Middlesex Water Recommends Building Owners and Managers Begin Preparing Building Plumbing Systems for Eventual Reoccupation
The Company recommends that as businesses start preparing their re-opening and return to office plans, those responsible for maintaining building water systems start to conduct a review of their internal building plumbing. While water in the mains that service customers is continually refreshed and contains a chlorine residual, stagnant or standing water can cause conditions that increase the risk for growth and spread of bacteria. Failing to proactively address this internal plumbing concern now could result in unforeseen and unintended water quality concerns for occupants once buildings begin to be reoccupied.
“Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic,
- The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC ), “Guidance forBuilding Water Systems ,” https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/building-water-system.html The Environmental Science Policy & Research Institute , “Building Water Quality and Coronavirus: Flushing Guidance for Periods of Low or No Use”. https://www.rwater.com/media/4664/final_coronavirus-building-flushing-guidance-20200403.pdf
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Source: Middlesex Water Company