Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                                                                 Commission File
For the Fiscal Year ended December 31, 1998                            No. 0-422
                          -----------------                                -----

                             MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

            New Jersey                                     22-1114430
(State or other jurisdiction of                       (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                      Identification No.)

1500 Ronson Road, Iselin, New Jersey                      08830-3020 
- ------------------------------------                      ----------
(Address of principal executive offices)                   (Zip Code)

                                 (732) 634-1500
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                                                         Name of each exchange
Title of each Class                                       on which registered
- -------------------                                       -------------------
        None                                                     None

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                           Common Stock, No par Value
                                (Title of Class)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                  YES  [ X ]           NO    [  ]

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best  of  the  registrant's   knowledge,  in  definitive  proxy  or  information
statements  incorporated  by  reference  in Part  III of this  Form  10-K or any
amendment to this Form 10-K. [ X ]

The  aggregate  market  value of the voting stock held by  nonaffiliates  of the
registrant at March 19, 1999 was $122,103,067  based on the closing market price
of $24.875 per share.

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the registrant's classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

                  Class                           Outstanding at March 19, 1999
                  -----                           -----------------------------
Common Stock, No par Value                                  4,908,666
- --------------------------
                       Documents Incorporated by Reference

Proxy Statement to be filed in connection with the  Registrant's  Annual Meeting
of Shareholders to be held on May 26, 1999 as to Part III.

                             MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY
                                    FORM 10-K
Item 1.      Business:
                Retail Sales                                               
                Contract Sales                                             
                Contract Services                                          
                Financial Information                                      
                Water Supplies and Contracts                               
                Regulation of Rates and Services                           
                Water Quality and Environmental Regulations                
                Executive Officers of Middlesex Water Company              
Item 2.      Properties                                                    
Item 3.      Legal Proceedings                                             
Item 4.      Submission of Matters to a Vote
                of Security Holders                                        

Item 5.      Market for the Registrant's Common
                Equity and Related Stockholder Matters:
                    Price Range of Common Stock                            
                    Approximate Number of Equity Security
                        Holders as of December 31, 1997                    
Item 6.      Selected Financial Data                                       
Item 7.      Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                Financial Condition and Results of Operations       
Item 7a.     Qualitative and Quantitative Disclosures
                About Market Risk       
Item 8.      Financial Statements and Supplementary Data                   
Item 9.      Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on
                Accounting and Financial Disclosures                       

Item 10.     Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant            
Item 11.     Executive Compensation                                        
Item 12.     Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
                and Management                                             
Item 13.     Certain Relationships and Related Transactions                

Item 14.     Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and
                Reports on Form 8-K                                        

Exhibit Index                                                              


Item 1.  Business

         Middlesex Water Company was  incorporated as a water utility company in
1897 and operates  water utility  systems in central and southern New Jersey and
in Delaware as well as a wastewater  utility in southern  New Jersey.  The water
utility  system in central New  Jersey,  which we call the  "Middlesex  System,"
produced  87.8% of the Company's  1998  revenues.  The Middlesex  System treats,
stores and distributes  water for residential,  commercial,  industrial and fire
prevention purposes.

         Our Middlesex  System provides water services to  approximately  54,000
retail customers, primarily in eastern Middlesex County, New Jersey and provides
water on a contracted basis to the Township of Edison,  the Boroughs of Highland
Park and  Sayreville,  the City of South  Amboy and both the Old  Bridge and the
Marlboro Township Municipal Utilities Authorities. Under a special contract, the
Middlesex  System also  provides  water  treatment  and pumping  services to the
Township of East Brunswick.

         The  Middlesex  System's  retail  customers  are  located in an area of
approximately 55 square miles in Woodbridge  Township,  the Boroughs of Metuchen
and Carteret, portions of Edison Township and the Borough of South Plainfield in
Middlesex  County and a portion of the  Township of Clark in Union  County.  The
retail  customers  include  a mix of  residential  customers,  large  industrial
concerns and commercial and light industrial facilities.  These retail customers
are  located in  generally  well  developed  areas of central  New  Jersey.  The
contract customers of the Middlesex System comprise an area of approximately 141
square miles with a  population  of  approximately  267,000.  Contract  sales to
Edison,  Sayreville,  Old Bridge and Marlboro are  supplemental  to the existing
water  systems of these  customers.  The State of New  Jersey in the  mid-1980's
approved  plans to increase  available  surface  water supply to these and other
municipalities in the South River Basin area of the State through contracts with
water  suppliers  outside the South River Basin.  The State saw this as a way to
reduce  the use of ground  water  and  depletion  of  acquifers.  Our  long-term
contracts to pump treated surface water to East Brunswick, Marlboro, Old Bridge,
Sayreville and South Amboy are consistent with the State approved plan.

         We have five wholly-owned subsidiaries:

          o  Tidewater Utilities, Inc. ("Tidewater"),  together with Tidewater's
             wholly-owned   subsidiary,   Public  Water  Supply  Company,   Inc.
             ("Public"),  provide water services to 11,300 retail  customers for
             residential,  commercial and fire  protection  purposes in over 100
             separate  community  water  systems in Kent,  Sussex and New Castle
             Counties,  Delaware.  We refer to our  Delaware  operations  as the
             "Tidewater Systems".  The Tidewater Systems produced  approximately
             8.8%  of  our  total  revenues  in  1998.   Tidewater  has  another
             wholly-owned  subsidiary,  White Marsh Environmental Systems, Inc.,
             which owns the office  building that Tidewater uses as its business

          o  Pinelands  Water Company  services 2,200  residential  customers in
             Burlington  County,  New Jersey.  We refer to this water utility as
             the "Pinelands System." The Pinelands System produced approximately
             0.8% of our total revenues in 1998.


          o  Pinelands Wastewater Company services approximately 2,200 primarily
             residential  retail  customers and, under  contract,  one municipal
             wastewater system in Burlington  County,  New Jersey with about 200
             residential  customers.  We refer to this wastewater utility as the
             "Pinelands  Wastewater  System." The  Pinelands  Wastewater  System
             produced approximately 1.5% of our total revenues in 1998.

          o  Utility  Service  Affiliates,  Inc.,  along  with  Middlesex  Water
             Company,  entered into a five-year  contract with the City of South
             Amboy, New Jersey to operate and maintain the city's 2,600 customer
             water system in May 1995. The contract is renewable for up to three
             additional five-year periods. We refer to this subsidiary as "USA."
             USA  produced  approximately  1.1% of our total  revenues  in 1998.
             Middlesex Water Company has negotiated the acquisition,  subject to
             Board of Public Utilities (BPU) approval, of a franchise to provide
             water  service  and to install  water  system  facilities  in South
             Amboy.  Assuming BPU approval is obtained,  Middlesex Water Company
             will operate and maintain the system on a retail basis.

          o  Utility Service Affiliates (Perth Amboy) Inc., which we refer to as
             "USA-PA," along with Middlesex  Water Company,  signed an agreement
             on December 8, 1998 with the City of Perth Amboy (the City) and the
             Middlesex  County   Improvement   Authority   (MCIA).   Under  that
             agreement, USA-PA will operate and maintain the City's water system
             and the wastewater system for 20 years. USA-PA will be paid a fixed
             fee and a variable fee based on increased  system  billings.  Fixed
             fee payments to USA-PA in the  agreement  rise from $6.4 million in
             the first  year to $9.7 by year 20.  The  agreement  also  requires
             USA-PA  to lease  from the City  all of the  City's  employees  who
             currently work on the City's water system or wastewater  system. In
             connection with the agreement, the City of Perth Amboy, through the
             MCIA issued $68.0  million in three  series of bonds.  One of those
             series  of  bonds,  in  principal  amount  of  $26.3  million,   is
             guaranteed by the Company. The City guaranteed the two other series
             of bonds.  The  Company  also  guaranteed  the  performance  of our
             subsidiary,  USA-PA. USA-PA entered into a subcontract with a sewer
             contracting  firm for the operation and  maintenance  of the City's
             wastewater  system.  City  employees  who now  work  on the  City's
             wastewater system are subleased by the  subcontractor  from USA-PA.
             Of the $6.4  million  fixed fee payable to USA-PA in the first year
             of  the   agreement,   $3.0   million   will  be   payable  to  the
             subcontractor.   The   variable   fee  payable  by  USA-PA  to  the
             subcontractor would be based on a portion of the increased billings
             attributable to the wastewater system.  USA-PA began to operate and
             maintain the City's systems on January 1, 1999.


             Financial Information

             Consolidated  operating  revenues  and  operating  income  relating
primarily to operating water utilities are as follows:
(000's) Years Ended December 31, ------------------------ 1998 1997 1996 ------- ------- ------- Operating Revenues ............. $43,058 $40,294 $38,025 ======= ======= ======= Operating Income ............... $ 9,149 $ 8,768 $ 8,222 ======= ======= =======
Operating revenues were derived from the following sources:
Years Ended December 31, ------------------------ 1998 1997 1996 ---- ---- ---- Residential ................. 41.4% 40.3% 39.7% Commercial .................. 11.4 11.4 11.4 Industrial .................. 15.8 16.5 17.4 Fire Protection ............. 11.5 11.6 12.2 Contract Sales .............. 17.5 18.3 17.8 Other ....................... 2.4 1.9 1.5 ----- ----- ----- TOTAL .................. 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% ===== ===== =====
Water Supplies and Contracts ---------------------------- Our water utility plant consists of sources of supply, pumping, water treatment, transmission, distribution and general facilities located in New Jersey and Delaware. Our New Jersey and Delaware water supply systems are physically separate and are not interconnected. In addition, in New Jersey, the Pinelands System is not interconnected with the Middlesex System. In the opinion of management, we have adequate sources of water supply to meet the current and anticipated future service requirements of our present customers in New Jersey and Delaware. Middlesex System: Our Middlesex System obtains water from both surface sources and from wells which we call groundwater sources. In 1998, surface sources of water provided approximately 68.1% of the Middlesex System's water supply, groundwater from wells provided approximately 25.0% and the balance of 6.9% was purchased from Elizabethtown Water Company ("Elizabethtown"), a nonaffiliated water utility. Middlesex System's distribution storage facilities are used to supply water to its customers at times of peak demand, outages and emergencies. -3 The principal source of surface supply for the Middlesex System is the Delaware and Raritan Canal (D&R Canal), owned by the State of New Jersey and operated as a water resource by the New Jersey Water Supply Authority ("NJWSA"). Under a multistate compact, the NJWSA is entitled to divert water from the Delaware River through the D&R Canal. This supply, together with water in the Round Valley and Spruce Run Reservoir System, provide a safe yield of 225 million gallons per day (mgd), which supplies our Middlesex System and other large water purveyors contractually regulated by the NJWSA. We have contracts with the NJWSA to divert a minimum of 20 mgd of untreated water from the D&R Canal. In addition, we have a one year agreement for an additional 5 mgd, renewed through April 30, 1999. We also have an agreement with Elizabethtown, effective through December 31, 2005, which provides for the minimum purchase of 3 mgd of treated water with provisions for additional purchases. This contract also allows us to purchase additional water from Elizabethtown on an emergency basis. Our Middlesex System also derives water from groundwater sources equipped with electric motor driven deep well turbine type pumps. The Middlesex System has 32 wells, which provide an aggregate pump capacity of approximately 27 mgd. The Middlesex System's groundwater sources are:
1998 Maximum Daily Pumpage Pump No. of (millions of Capacity Middlesex System Wells gallons) (mgd) Location ---------------- ----- -------- ----- -------- Park Avenue 15 10.8 15.2 South Plainfield Tingley Lane North 4 3.2 2.8 Edison Tingley Lane South 5 2.9 2.6 Edison Spring Lake 4 1.2 2.8 South Plainfield Sprague Avenue #1 1 1.1 1.1 South Plainfield Sprague Avenue #2 1 1.3 1.3 South Plainfield Maple Avenue 1 1.0 0.9 South Plainfield Thermal Well 1 0.2 0.2 Edison -- Total 32
Tidewater Systems: Water supply to Delaware customers is derived from the Tidewater Systems' 119 wells which provided overall system delivery of 523 million gallons during 1998. The Tidewater Systems do not have a central treatment facility. Several of its water systems in Sussex County and New Castle County, Delaware have interconnected transmission systems. Treatment is by chlorination and, in some cases, pH correction and filtration. -4- Pinelands System: The Pinelands System obtains its water supply from four wells drilled into the Mt. Laurel aquifer. The wells are equipped with three electric motor driven deep well turbine pumps and one is equipped with a electric motor driven submersible pump. Disinfection is done at individual well sites, which are located in Southampton Township, New Jersey. The wells have an aggregate pump capacity of 2.2 mgd. In 1998, the maximum daily pumpage was 2.1 million gallons. Pinelands Wastewater System: The Pinelands Wastewater System discharges into the South Branch of the Rancocas Creek through a tertiary treatment plant that provides clarification, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection. The total capacity of the plant is 0.5 mgd. Current average flow is 0.3 mgd. Pinelands has a current valid discharge permit issued by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection ("DEP"). Competition ----------- Our business in our franchised service areas is substantially free from direct competition with other public utilities, municipalities and other entities. However, our ability to provide some contract water supply and wastewater services and operations and maintenance services is subject to competition from other public utilities, municipalities and other entities. Although the Tidewater System has been granted an exclusive franchise for each of its existing community water systems, its ability to expand service areas has been affected by the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) awarding franchises to other regulated water purveyors, including franchises granted to community water systems around and in between the Tidewater Systems service areas. Regulation ---------- We are subject to regulation as to our rates, services and other matters by the states of New Jersey and Delaware with respect to utility service within those states and with respect to environmental and water quality matters. We are also subject to environmental and water quality regulation by the United States Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA"). Regulation of Rates and Services -------------------------------- New Jersey operations are subject to regulation by the BPU. Similarly, our Delaware operations are subject to regulation by the Public Service Commission (PSC). These regulatory authorities have jurisdiction with respect to rates, service, accounting procedures, the issuance of securities and other matters. In determining our rates, the BPU and the PSC consider the income, expenses, rate base of property used and useful in providing service to the public and a fair rate of return on that property. Rate determinations by the BPU do not guarantee particular rates of return to the Company for our New Jersey operations nor do rate determinations by the PSC guarantee particular rates of return for our Delaware operations. Thus, we may not achieve the rates of return allowed by the BPU or the PSC. -5- We filed a petition with the BPU on September 17, 1998 for a 21.9% rate increase to include the $38 million costs of the CJO Plant Project in our rate base and to recover certain other of our costs which have increased. The Company anticipates that a BPU determination with respect to this petition may not be made until the summer of 1999. There can be no assurance that the rate increase will be granted or, if granted, that it will be in the amount we requested. We anticipate that we may file with the PSC during 1999 for a rate increase for the Tidewater Systems, which may also include a request to combine Tidewater and Public into a single entity. Water Quality and Environmental Regulations ------------------------------------------- Both the EPA and the DEP regulate our operations in New Jersey with respect to water supply, treatment and distribution systems and the quality of the water, as do the EPA, the DNREC, and the Delaware Department of Health with respect to operations in Delaware. Federal, Delaware and New Jersey regulations adopted over the past five years relating to water quality require expanded types of testing by the Company to insure that its water meets State and Federal water quality requirements. In addition, environmental regulatory agencies are reviewing current regulations governing the limits of certain organic compounds found in the water as byproducts of treatment. The Company believes the Carl J. Olsen Water Treatment Plant (CJO Plant) upgrade and expansion will allow the Company to be in a stronger position to meet any such future regulations with regard to its Middlesex System. Regular testing of our water demonstrates that we are in compliance with existing Federal, New Jersey and Delaware primary water quality standards. The DEP and the Delaware Department of Health monitor the activities of the Company and review the results of water quality tests performed by the Company for adherence to applicable regulations. Other regulations applicable to the Company include the Lead and Copper Rule, the maximum contaminant levels established for various volatile organic compounds, the Federal Surface Water Treatment Rule, and the Total Coliform Rule. Employees --------- As of December 31, 1998, we had a total of 144 employees in New Jersey, and a total of 30 employees in Delaware. No employees are represented by a union. Management considers its relations with its employees to be satisfactory. Wages and benefits are reviewed annually and are considered competitive within the industry. As part of USA-PA's agreement with the City of Perth Amboy, 40 employees currently working in the City's water and wastewater systems are leased by USA-PA. The City employees are represented by several unions and are subject to contract negotiations with the City. Executive Officers of Middlesex Water Company --------------------------------------------- Walter J. Brady - age 57; Senior Vice President-Administration; term expires May 1999. Mr. Brady, who joined the Company in 1962, was elected Assistant Secretary-Assistant Treasurer in 1979, Assistant Vice President in 1982, Vice President-Human Resources in 1987, Vice President-Administration in 1989 and Senior Vice President of Administration in 1998. He serves as Plan Administrator of the Pension Plan. He is a Director of Tidewater Utilities, Inc., White Marsh Environmental Systems, Inc., Pinelands Water Company, Pinelands Wastewater Company and Utility Service Affiliates, Inc., and an Officer and Director of Utility Service Affiliates (Perth Amboy) Inc. -6- A. Bruce O'Connor - age 40; Vice President and Controller; term expires May 1999. Mr. O'Connor, a Certified Public Accountant, joined the Company in 1990 as Assistant Controller and was elected Controller in 1992 and Vice President in 1995. He assumed the designated title of Vice President and Controller and Chief Financial Officer in May 1996. He is responsible for financial reporting, customer service, rate cases, cash management and financings. He was formerly employed by Deloitte & Touche LLP, a certified public accounting firm from 1984 to 1990. He is an Officer and Director of Tidewater Utilities, Inc., Public Water Supply Company, Inc., Pinelands Water Company, Pinelands Wastewater Company and an Officer of White Marsh Environmental Systems, Inc., Utility Service Affiliates, Inc. and Utility Service Affiliates (Perth Amboy) Inc. Marion F. Reynolds - age 59; Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer; term expires May 1999. Ms. Reynolds, who had been Secretary-Treasurer since 1987 was elected Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer in 1993. Prior to her election she had been employed by Public Service Electric and Gas Company, Newark, New Jersey since 1958, and was elected Assistant Corporate Secretary in 1976. She is an Officer of Tidewater Utilities, Inc., Utility Service Affiliates (Perth Amboy) Inc., Pinelands Water Company and Pinelands Wastewater Company and a Director of Utility Service Affiliates, Inc. Richard A. Russo - age 53; Executive Vice President; term expires May 1999. Mr. Russo, who had been Vice President-Operations since 1989 was elected Executive Vice President in 1995 and is responsible for engineering, water production, water treatment and distribution maintenance. He was formerly employed by Trenton Water Works as General Superintendent and Chief Engineer since 1979. He is President and Director of Tidewater Utilities, Inc., White Marsh Environmental Systems, Inc., Public Water Supply Company, Inc., Pinelands Water Company and Pinelands Wastewater Company. He is also Executive Vice President and Director of Utility Service Affiliates, Inc. and Utility Service Affiliates (Perth Amboy) Inc. Dennis G. Sullivan - age 57; Vice President and General Counsel, Assistant Secretary-Assistant Treasurer; term expires May 1999. Mr. Sullivan was hired in 1984 as Corporate Attorney, responsible for general corporate internal legal matters. He was elected Assistant Secretary-Assistant Treasurer in 1988 and Vice President and General Counsel in 1990. He was employed in a private law practice from 1981 to 1984 as a staff attorney. He is an Officer and Director of Tidewater Utilities Inc., White Marsh Environmental Systems, Inc., Public Water Supply Company, Inc., Utility Service Affiliates, Inc., and Utility Service Affiliates (Perth Amboy) Inc. and a Director of Pinelands Water Company and Pinelands Wastewater Company. J. Richard Tompkins - age 60; Chairman of the Board and President; term expires May 1999. Mr. Tompkins was elected President of the Company in 1981 and was elected Chairman of the Board in 1990. In 1979 he was employed by Associated Utility Services, an independent utility consulting firm in New Jersey, as Vice President. From 1962 to 1979 he was employed by Buck, Seifert & Jost, Incorporated, consulting engineers in New Jersey and was appointed Vice President in 1973. He is Chairman and Director of Tidewater Utilities, Inc., White Marsh Environmental Systems, Inc., Pinelands Water Company and Pinelands Wastewater Company; Director of Public Water Supply Company, Inc. and Director and President of Utility Service Affiliates, Inc. and Utility Service Affiliates (Perth Amboy) Inc. He is also a Director of New Jersey Utilities Association and Raritan Bay Healthcare Foundation. -7- Ronald F. Williams - age 50; Vice President-Operations; term expires May 1999. Mr. Williams was hired in March 1995 as Assistant Vice President-Operations, responsible for the Company's Engineering and Distribution Departments. He was elected Vice President-Operations in October 1995. He was formerly employed with the Garden State Water Company as President and Chief Executive Officer since 1991. He is an Officer and Director of Utility Service Affiliates, Inc., and Utility Service Affiliates (Perth Amboy) Inc. Item 2. Properties ---------- The water and wastewater utility properties of our systems consist of source of supply, pumping, water treatment, transmission and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment and general facilities. Middlesex System: The Middlesex System's principal source of surface supply is the D&R Canal owned by the State of New Jersey and operated as a water resource by the NJWSA. Water is withdrawn from the D&R Canal at New Brunswick, New Jersey through our intake and pumping station located on State owned land bordering the Canal. It is transported through our 54 inch supply main for treatment and distribution at the CJO Plant. Facilities at the CJO Plant consist of source of supply, pumping, water treatment, transmission, storage, laboratory and general facilities. We monitor water quality at the CJO Plant, at each well field and throughout the distribution system to determine that federal and state water quality standards are met. The design capacity of the intake and pumping station in New Brunswick, New Jersey, is 80 mgd. The four electric motor driven vertical turbine pumps presently installed have an aggregate design capacity of 65 mgd. The station is designed to permit its pumping capacity to be increased to 80 mgd by the installation of additional pumping units. The design capacity of our raw water supply main is 55 mgd. We also have a 58,600 foot transmission main; a long term lease agreement with the City of Perth Amboy for the use of a 38,800 foot transmission main; and a long term, nonexclusive "wheeling agreement" with the East Brunswick system, all used to transport water to several of our contract customers. The lease agreement with the City of Perth Amboy includes an option to purchase the transmission main at the end of the lease term. The CJO Plant includes chemical storage and chemical feed equipment, dual rapid mixing basins, four reinforced concrete mechanical flocculation compartments, four underground reinforced concrete settling basins, eight rapid filters containing gravel, sand and anthracite for water treatment and a steel washwater tank. The firm design capacity of the CJO Plant is now 30 mgd (45 mgd maximum capacity). The main pumping station at the CJO Plant has a design capacity of 90 mgd. The four electric motor driven vertical turbine pumps presently installed have an aggregate capacity of 65 mgd. In addition to the main pumping station at the CJO Plant, there is a 15 mgd auxiliary pumping station located in a separate building. It has a dedicated substation and emergency power supply provided by a diesel-driven generator. It pumps from the 10 million gallon distribution storage reservoir directly into the distribution system. -8- In November 1997 construction began on the upgrade, expansion and addition of facilities at the CJO Plant and related water intake station, which we refer to as "The Project." The Project includes the installation of new flash mixers and new chemical storage and feed facilities. The existing conventional sedimentation basins are being replaced by high rate upflow clarifiers that are intended to remove turbidity more effectively . The chlorine application point is being relocated from preclarification to postclarification. The existing sedimentation basins are to be used as chlorine contact basins. Four additional filters are being added to the CJO Plant, a new laboratory is being constructed, and a computerized Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system is being added to monitor and control the CJO Plant and our water supply and distribution system in central New Jersey. Upgrades are also being made to the heating, ventilating, air conditioning and the electrical system at the CJO Plant and to the pumping equipment at our raw water pump station. The Project will upgrade the CJO Plant to meet the new and anticipated regulatory changes concerning water quality, as well as increase capacity to meet peak-day demands. The firm capacity of the CJO Plant is being increased from about 30 mgd to 45 mgd (we define firm capacity as the capacity when the largest unit is out of service). The Project also involves changes to the raw water pump station which delivers water from the D&R Canal to the CJO Plant, a distance of about one mile. The station capacity is being increased by replacing one existing pump with a larger pump. The firm capacity of the raw water pump station is being increased from about 35 mgd to 45 mgd. Functional completion of the Project (by which we mean the ability to produce water) is scheduled for June, 1999, with final completion set for October, 1999. The total cost of the Project, including design, engineering and capitalized interest, will be approximately $38 million. Of this amount, we expended $7.9 million through March 31, 1998 from operations of our central New Jersey system. In March, 1998, we issued our 5.35% Series W Mortgage Bonds which provided an additional $23 million. The remainder of the cost of the Project will be funded from proceeds of our December 1998 common stock offering. We have a RENEW Program in the Middlesex System to clean and line with cement previously unlined cast iron mains. There are approximately 170 miles of unlined cast iron mains in the 670 mile Middlesex System. In 1999, we will clean and line approximately nine miles of unlined mains. Middlesex System's storage facilities consist of a 10 mg reservoir at the CJO Plant, 5 mg and 2 mg reservoirs in Edison, a 5 mg reservoir in Carteret and a 2 mg reservoir at the Park Avenue Well Field. We own the properties in New Jersey on which Middlesex System's 32 wells are located. We also own our headquarters complex at 1500 Ronson Road, Iselin, New Jersey, consisting of a 27,000 square foot, two story office building and an adjacent 16,500 square foot maintenance facility. Tidewater Systems: The Tidewater Systems' storage facilities include 21 ground level storage tanks with the following capacities: eleven 30,000 gallon tanks, five 25,000 gallon tanks, three 120,000 gallon tanks, one 135,000 gallon tank, one 82,000 gallon tank and one elevated storage tank with a capacity of 250,000 gallons. -9- Our Delaware operations are managed from Tidewater's leased offices in Odessa, Delaware and from Public's leased offices in Millsboro, Delaware. Tidewater's office property, which is owned by its wholly-owned subsidiary, White Marsh Environmental Systems, Inc., consists of a 2,400 square foot building situated on a one (1) acre lot. Pinelands System: Pinelands Water Company owns well site properties which are located in Southampton Township, New Jersey. Pinelands Water storage facility is a 1.2 mg standpipe. Pinelands Wastewater System: Pinelands Wastewater Company owns a 12 acre site on which its 0.5 mgd capacity tertiary treatment plant is located. Item 3. Legal Proceedings ----------------- A motel in our Middlesex service area originally filed claims against us in 1990 alleging financial losses due to improper water pressure and service and also seeking punitive damages. Subsequently in 1994, and again in 1997, the motel suffered outbreaks of legionella, resulting in the 1997 shutdown of the motel by the New Jersey Department of Health. The motel amended its claims to assert that we provided water containing the legionella bacteria. The motel is in bankruptcy. A bank creditor of the motel has joined in the motel's claim against us. We believe that the motel's claims are not supportable. Claims resulting from the death of a motel guest from legionella in 1997 and claims by two other patrons alleging illness as a result of their stay at the motel in 1997 have been brought against the motel and against us. We have substantial insurance coverage, which we believe will be sufficient for all claims in this matter other than for punitive damages. We do not believe the motel's claims for punitive damages will prevail. While the outcome of this case remains uncertain, we believe that the final resolution will not have a significant effect on our financial condition or results of operation. A 1995 fire at a warehouse in our service territory resulted in multiple party claims brought forth in the Superior Court for Middlesex County, New Jersey, as well as, with the financial collapse of the principal tenant, in the Federal Bankruptcy Court. The claims in the State court action are for unspecified amounts but include claims against us for insufficient water pressure and supply. The Bankruptcy Court has stayed all claims against the tenant except, to the extent the tenant is insured, claims brought by us arising from claims made against us by other tenants and the landlord. Under New Jersey case law, we will not have financial responsibility to parties to the extent they receive payments under their own insurance policies. We do not know either the total amount of claims against us or how much of that amount will be covered by the parties' own insurance policies. Our counsel in the litigation advises us that the case is unlikely to be resolved rapidly. We believe we have substantial defenses to the claims against us, although we do not have insurance coverage for them. -10- The Company has been notified of a potential claim of $1.5 million involving the break of both a Company water line and an underground electric power cable in close proximity to it. The power cable contained both electric lines and a petroleum based insulating fluid. The Company is insured for damages except for damages resulting from pollution discharge. Causation and liability has not been established. Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders --------------------------------------------------- None. PART II Item 5. Market for the Registrant's Common Equity and Related Stockholder ----------------------------------------------------------------- Matters Price Range of Common Stock ----------------------------------- The following table shows the range of closing prices for the Common Stock on the NASDAQ Stock Market for the calendar quarter indicated.
1998 High Low Dividend ---- ---- --- -------- First Quarter $22 1/2 $19 7/8 $0.28 1/2 Second Quarter 21 1/4 19 1/4 0.28 1/2 Third Quarter 22 20 1/8 0.28 1/2 Fourth Quarter 25 3/4 21 1/4 0.29 1/2 1997 High Low Dividend ---- ---- --- -------- First Quarter $18 $17 $0.28 Second Quarter 17 7/8 16 3/8 0.28 Third Quarter 19 1/4 16 3/8 0.28 Fourth Quarter 22 1/2 18 0.28 1/2
Approximate Number of Equity Security Holders as of December 31, 1998 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of Title of Class Record Holders -------------- -------------- Common Stock, No Par Value 2,305 Cumulative Preferred Stock, No Par Value: $7 Series 17 $4.75 Series 1 Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, No Par Value: $7 Series 4 $8 Series 5 -11- Dividends --------- The Company has paid dividends on its Common Stock each year since 1912. Although it is the present intention of the Board of Directors of the Company to continue to pay regular quarterly cash dividends on its Common Stock, the payment of future dividends is contingent upon the future earnings of the Company, its financial condition and other factors deemed relevant by the Board of Directors at its discretion. The Common Stock of the Company is traded on the NASDAQ Stock Market under the symbol MSEX. Item 6. Selected Financial Data ----------------------- Consolidated Selected Financial Data, page 20. Item 7. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial ------------------------------------------------- Condition and Results of Operations ----------------------------------- The companies referred to herein are defined in Note 1(a), Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements, included in Item 8 in Part II of this Form 10-K. Liquidity and Capital Resources The Company's actual capital expenditures for 1997 and 1998 and projected requirements through 2001 are detailed as follows:
(in millions) 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ CJO Plant ..................... $ 3.1 $ 18.6 $ 15.0 $ -- $ -- Delaware Systems .............. 1.4 3.2 5.8 3.3 1.1 RENEW Program ................. 1.8 2.1 2.0 2.0 2.0 Scheduled upgrades to existing systems ............ 4.4 3.4 3.8 5.1 6.7 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ Total ...................... $ 10.7 $ 27.3 $ 26.6 $ 10.4 $ 9.8 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------
Our plan to finance these projects is underway. Net proceeds from the $23.0 million Series W First Mortgage Bonds and the December 1998, $12.7 million common stock offering will be used to finance the Carl J. Olsen Water Treatment Plant (CJO Plant) expenditures in 1999. Middlesex issued $2.2 million of First Mortgage Bonds through the New Jersey State Revolving Fund to cover the cost of the 1999 RENEW Program, which is our program to clean and cement line approximately nine miles of unlined mains in the Middlesex System. There is a total of approximately 170 miles of unlined mains in the 670 mile Middlesex System. We expect to apply for similar funds in 1999 for the years 2000 and 2001 RENEW Programs. The financing of our Delaware subsidiaries' capital program may be a combination of a capital contribution from Middlesex and long-term debt financing from either a financial institution or the Company. The debt financing decision will be based upon the terms of financing available to our Delaware subsidiaries. We expect to be able to cover the costs of scheduled upgrades to the existing systems with the cash flow generated from our utility operations through the year 2001. -12- The Company currently has eight series of First Mortgage Bonds outstanding in the aggregate principal amount of $74.7 million. The First Mortgage Bonds have been issued under and secured by a mortgage indenture and supplements thereto which constitute a direct first mortgage lien upon substantially all of the property of Middlesex. Tidewater borrowed funds under a $3.5 million, 8.05% Amortizing Secured Note due December 20, 2021. Approximately $3.4 million was outstanding under that note as of December 31, 1998. From time to time it may be necessary to utilize all or part of the $28.0 million in total lines of credit we have available with three commercial banks for working capital purposes or to provide interim funds until long-term financing is arranged. At December 31, 1998, we had $1.0 million of loans outstanding against those lines of credit. Results of Operations 1998 Compared to 1997 Operating Revenues were up $2.8 million or 6.9% over 1997. The increase was attributable to several factors. Rate increases accounted for $1.7 million of additional revenues. In January 1998, Middlesex implemented a BPU approved rate increase of 4.4%, and Pinelands Water and Wastewater Companies implemented the second part of a three phase rate increase. The final phase was put in place in January 1999. In addition, $0.5 million was added to revenues by the inclusion of Public for the entire year of 1998 compared to five months in 1997. Public was acquired on July 31, 1997. The continued double-digit growth of 11.5% in Tidewater's customer base also contributed $0.5 million in revenues. Higher revenues were partially offset by increased operating expenses of $2.4 million or 7.6%. The increases were related primarily to the following factors. Purchased water and water treatment expenses reflected a combined increase of $0.2 million as a result of Middlesex changing the composition of the water sources it uses to supply its customers. Purchased power increased $0.2 million due in part to a large credit Middlesex received in 1997 from its power provider. Mandated recognition of postretirement benefit costs other than pensions and amortization of BPU approved regulatory deferrals added $0.5 million and $0.2 million, respectively, to expenses. Labor costs were higher by $0.5 million, and the inclusion of Public's expenses for a full year accounted for $0.3 million of the increase. Depreciation expense increased $0.2 million or 7.0% based on newly constructed utility plant placed in service in 1998 and utility plant acquired through the acquisition of Public. Other Taxes increased $0.3 million and related mostly to revenue-related taxes and employers' payroll taxes. The decrease in Federal income taxes is due to a lower amount of deferred taxes, which offset an increased amount of current taxable income. Other income increased $1.4 million compared to 1997. An increase of $0.9 million in Allowance for Funds Used During Construction was related to the capital expenditures incurred in connection with the upgrade of the CJO Plant. Interest income rose $0.5 million as a result of the unexpended proceeds available for investment from the Series W Mortgage Bonds issued in March 1998. -13- Total interest charges rose $1.1 million. This increase reflects $0.9 million of interest expense related to the Series W Mortgage Bonds and increased interest of $0.2 million on a higher level of short-term borrowings under existing lines of credit incurred to finance the capital program on an interim basis. The $0.1 million increase in preferred stock dividend requirements reflects the issuance on July 31, 1997, of the $8.00 preferred stock series to complete the acquisition of Public. Basic and diluted earnings per share increased $0.09 and $0.08, respectively over 1997. The $0.01 per share dilution in 1998 is the result of the two series of convertible preferred stock currently outstanding. Results of Operations 1997 Compared to 1996 Net income increased 13.4% to $5.9 million in 1997 compared with $5.2 million in the prior year. Operating revenues increased by $2.3 million to $40.3 million due to favorable weather conditions in New Jersey and Delaware, continued growth in Tidewater's customer base of 12%, rate increases implemented by the Pinelands Companies, increased contract revenues from USA and the inclusion of Public's operating results since August 1997. Somewhat offsetting the effect of increased revenues were higher operations and maintenance expenses of $0.7 million or 3.7%, which reflected increased purchased water of $0.3 million; transmission and distribution expenses of $0.3 million; administrative and general expenses of $0.2 million and the inclusion of operating expenses for Public of $0.2 million. These increases were offset by reductions in purchased power and water treatment expenses of $0.3 million. Depreciation expense increased 4.8% due to a higher level of depreciable plant in service. Other taxes increased $0.2 million and were related primarily to revenue-related taxes. A higher level of taxable income resulted in a $0.6 million increase in federal taxes. Regulatory Matters On December 8, 1998, the Company's newly formed subsidiary, USA-PA, entered into a 20-year agreement with the City of Perth Amboy, New Jersey (Perth Amboy) and the Middlesex County Improvement Authority (MCIA) to operate and maintain the water and wastewater systems of Perth Amboy. USA-PA began operating the City's systems on January 1, 1999. Perth Amboy has a population of 40,000 and has approximately 9,500 customers, most of whom are served by both systems. The agreement is being effected under New Jersey's Water Supply Public-Private Contracting Act and the New Jersey Wastewater Public/Private Contracting Act. Under the agreement, USA-PA will receive a fixed fee and a variable fee based on increased system billing. Fixed fee payments begin at $6.4 million in the first year and increase to $9.7 in year 20. The agreement also requires USA-PA to lease from Perth Amboy all of its employees who currently work on the Perth Amboy water and wastewater systems. In connection with the agreement, Perth Amboy, through the MCIA, issued approximately $68.0 million in three series of bonds on January 28, 1999. The Company guaranteed one of those series of bonds, in principal amount of approximately $26.3 million. Perth Amboy guaranteed the two other series of bonds. -14- In addition to the agreement with Perth Amboy, effective January 1, 1999, USA-PA entered into a 20-year subcontract with a sewer contracting firm for the operation and maintenance of the Perth Amboy wastewater system. The subcontract requires the sharing of certain fixed and variable fees and operating expenses. In December 1998, Middlesex filed a petition with the Board of Public Utilities of the State of New Jersey (BPU) for approval of a franchise ordinance to provide retail water service and install water system facilities in the City of South Amboy (South Amboy). A favorable decision by the BPU will result in the elimination of an existing wholesale water sales contract and a significant modification to an existing management service contract between the Company and South Amboy. A decision from the BPU is expected in the second quarter of 1999. On September 17, 1998, Middlesex filed a petition with the BPU for a base rate increase of $8.0 million or 21.9%. Approximately 75% of the increase is necessary to recover the investment in the upgrade and expansion of the CJO Plant serving our central New Jersey water system. The purpose of the upgrade is to meet the new and anticipated regulatory standards concerning water quality, as well as to increase the plant's production capacity. A decision by the BPU is expected in the summer of 1999. On January 29, 1998, the BPU approved an increase in the rates of Middlesex by 4.4% or $1.5 million. The original petition was filed in November 1996. Under the approval, the allowed return on equity is 11.0% with an overall rate of return of 8.56%. The increase includes the recovery of postretirement costs other than pension expenses which are mandated by the Company's compliance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 106, "Employers' Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions." In January 1997, the BPU approved a stipulation agreed to by the parties to the Pinelands Water and Wastewater Companies' rate cases which were filed in February 1996. The stipulations allow for a combined rate increase which will result in $0.4 million additional revenues. The new rates were phased in over a three-year period to minimize the impact on customers. The three phases were implemented in January 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively. Accounting Standards In June 1998, The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued SFAS No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities." This Statement establishes accounting and reporting standards for derivative instruments, including certain derivative instruments embedded in other contracts. The Company is currently evaluating the requirements of the accounting standard, which is required to be adopted in the first quarter of 2000. SFAS No. 132, "Employers' Disclosures about Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits," revises and standardizes disclosure requirements for pension and other post-retirement benefit plans but does not change the measurement or recognition of those plans. Effective January 1, 1998, the Company adopted SFAS No. 132. See Note 9 to the Consolidated Financial Statements. -15- SFAS No. 131, "Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information," establishes standards for reporting certain financial and descriptive information about operating segments in complete sets of financial statements and requires selected information about operating segments in interim financial reports issued to shareholders. The Company has evaluated SFAS No. 131 and has determined that at December 31, 1998, there are no disclosure requirements that would impact the Company's financial statements. SFAS No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive Income," establishes standards for reporting and display of comprehensive income and its components in a full set of general-purpose financial statements. At December 31, 1998, the Company does not have any significant items of comprehensive income that would effect the current reporting of the Company's financial position, results of operations or cash flows. Year 2000 Disclosure - -------------------- Software used in many computer systems and computerized control devices was designed to record only the last two digits of each year. This software, some of which we own, may not function properly as of January 1, 2000, because it interprets the new year as 1900. An internal Year 2000 (Y2K) Committee was formed to evaluate the readiness of our existing computer systems and to design contingency plans to protect against service interruption. Under the direction of the Y2K Committee, our own computer systems were tested to make certain that those systems will work properly when identifying date information. All of the data processing systems serving our financial reporting, customer billing, customer information, shareholder records and payroll, are outsourced. Those vendors have certified that their systems have been tested and will work properly. Certification was also received from the vendor constructing the new automated control system at the CJO Plant as to its Y2K readiness. This system provides centralized control over all the critical components of the Middlesex water production, distribution and storage systems. We believe we may rely on those certifications. We expect to spend up to $10,000 to make certain other systems, including our network of desktop personal computers, Y2K ready. Nonetheless, it is possible that not every Y2K affected computerized control device of ours has been identified. Even if identified, we may not be able to reprogram or replace those devices in time to avoid date identification problems. More importantly, we are concerned about the failure of computer systems and control devices used by vendors who deliver critical materials and services that are used by us in providing water and wastewater service. Some of these critical vendors provide us with electric power, raw water, finished water, telecommunications, water treatment chemicals, fuel and residual removal services. The Y2K Committee has performed the following steps to evaluate the effect of these outside factors. Internal information is under review regarding chemical and fuel storage capacity, production capabilities using alternative power, manpower requirements for manual system operations (including financial) and emergency communication systems. Middlesex is a member of the BPU Y2K Industry Task Force, which allows us to monitor the Y2K progress of several of our critical utility service providers. Task force meetings allow for the sharing of ideas with members that offer the same utility services. -16- A questionnaire on Y2K readiness was sent to every vendor determined to be critical to the uninterrupted water and wastewater service that is provided by the Company. We expect to receive the majority of the responses before March 31, 1999, and to incorporate those responses into our contingency plan by June 1, 1999. The contingency plans must be submitted to the BPU and the Delaware Public Service Commission. Qualitative and Quantitative Disclosures About Market Risk The Company is subject to the risk of fluctuating interest rates in the normal course of business. Our policy is to manage interest rates through the use of fixed rate long-term debt and, to a lesser extent, short-term debt. The Company's interest rate risk related to existing fixed rate, long-term debt is not material due to the term of the majority of our First Mortgage Bonds, which have maturity dates ranging from 2009 to 2038. Over the next twelve months approximately $0.1 million of the current portion of three existing long-term debt instruments will mature. Combining this amount with the $1.0 million in short-term debt outstanding at December 31, 1998 and applying a hypothetical change in the rate of interest charged by 10% on those borrowings, would not have a material effect on earnings. Outlook Revenues are expected to improve in 1999. USA-PA will contribute to increased revenues generated from the 20-year service agreement with the City of Perth Amboy to operate and manage their water and wastewater systems. Anticipated customer growth in Delaware and the third phase of the Pinelands rate increase should also add to revenues. The level of earnings may be impacted by the outcome of the Middlesex base rate increase petition currently under review by the BPU and the Company's ability to maintain costs at reasonable levels. Revenues may also be affected by weather conditions. Tidewater and Public are currently evaluating the need to petition the Delaware Public Service Commission for an increase in rates to reflect additional construction, financing and operating costs since rates were last established in 1991 and 1992, respectively. Our strategy is for continued growth through acquisitions, internal expansion, public/private partnerships and rate relief. Opportunities in both the regulated and non-regulated sectors that are financially sound, complement existing operations and increase shareholder value will be pursued. Certain matters discussed in this annual report are "forward-looking statements" intended to qualify for safe harbors from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements address future plans, objectives, expectations and events concerning various matters such as capital expenditures, earnings, litigation, growth potential, rates, regulatory matters, liquidity, capital resources and accounting matters. Actual results in each case could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. -17- Item 7a. Qualitative and Quantitative Disclosure About Market Risk --------------------------------------- This information is incorporated herein by reference to Part II, Item 7, Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, Page 17. Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data ------------------------------------------- Index to Consolidated Financial Statements and Supplementary Financial Data: Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31, 1998 and 1997, Page 21. Consolidated Statements of Income for the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996, Page 23. Consolidated Statements of Capital Stock and Long-term Debt at December 31, 1998 and 1997, Page 24. Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996, Page 25. Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings for the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1997, Page 26. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Pages 27-38. Independent Auditors' Report, Page 39. Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting ----------------------------------------------------------- and Financial Disclosures ------------------------- None. PART III Item 10. Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant -------------------------------------------------- Information with respect to Directors of Middlesex Water Company is included in Middlesex Water Company's Proxy Statement for the 1999 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and is incorporated herein by reference. Information regarding the Executive Officers of Middlesex Water Company is included in Part I, Item I of this Form 10-K. Item 11. Executive Compensation ---------------------- This Information for Middlesex Water Company is included in Middlesex Water Company's Proxy Statement for the 1999 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and is incorporated herein by reference. Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners ----------------------------------------------- and Management -------------- This information for Middlesex Water Company is included in Middlesex Water Company's Proxy Statement for the 1999 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and is incorporated herein by reference. -18- Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions ---------------------------------------------- This information for Middlesex Water Company is included in Middlesex Water Company's Proxy Statement for the 1999 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and is incorporated herein by reference. PART IV Item 14. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on Form 8-K --------------------------------------------------------------- (a) 1. The following Financial Statements and supplementary data are included in Part II, Item 8: Management's Discussion and Analysis, Pages 12-17. Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31, 1998, and 1997, Pages 21-22. Consolidated Statements of Income for the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996 Page 23. Consolidated Statements of Capital Stock and Long-term Debt at December 31, 1998, and 1997, Page 24. Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996, Page 25. Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings for the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996, Page 26. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, Pages 27-38. Independent Auditors' Report, Page 39. (a) 2. Financial Statement Schedules ----------------------------- All Schedules are omitted because of the absence of the conditions under which they are required or because the required information is shown in the financial statements or notes thereto. (a) 3. Exhibits -------- See Exhibit listing on Pages 41-44. (b) Reports on Form 8-K ------------------- Filed December 10, 1998 Filed February 5, 1999 -19-
CONSOLIDATED SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA (Thousands of Dollars Except per Share Data) 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1988 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating Revenues ................. $ 43,058 $ 40,294 $ 38,025 $ 37,847 $ 36,122 $ 35,479 $ 24,034 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating Expenses: Operations and Maintenance ...... 21,523 19,513 18,817 18,057 16,975 16,783 11,247 Depreciation .................... 3,285 3,071 2,929 2,814 2,650 2,376 1,317 Other Taxes ..................... 6,102 5,782 5,569 5,479 5,343 5,222 3,869 Income Taxes .................... 2,999 3,135 2,526 2,975 2,766 3,072 1,781 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Operating Expenses ........ 33,909 31,501 29,841 29,325 27,734 27,453 18,214 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating Income ................... 9,149 8,793 8,184 8,522 8,388 8,026 5,820 Other Income ....................... 1,795 405 288 303 151 576 351 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income Before Interest Charge.... 10,944 9,198 8,472 8,825 8,539 8,602 6,171 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interest Charges ................... 4,423 3,337 3,304 3,121 3,044 3,122 2,545 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net Income .............. 6,521 5,861 5,168 5,704 5,495 5,480 3,626 Preferred Stock Dividend ........... 319 226 159 159 188 256 175 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earnings Applicable to Common Stock $ 6,202 $ 5,635 $ 5,009 $ 5,545 $ 5,307 $ 5,224 $ 3,451 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earnings per Share: Basic ........................ $ 1.42 $ 1.33 $ 1.20 $ 1.36 $ 1.33 $ 1.33 $ 1.14 Diluted ...................... $ 1.41 $ 1.33 $ 1.20 $ 1.36 $ 1.32 $ 1.33 $ 1.14 Average Shares Outstanding: Basic ........................ 4,353,879 4,235,082 4,169,334 4,078,890 4,003,393 3,924,363 3,030,802 Diluted ...................... 4,580,305 4,382,345 4,258,740 4,168,296 4,092,799 4,013,769 3,030,802 Dividends Declared and Paid ........ $ 1.15 $ 1.121/2 $ 1.101/2 $ 1.081/2 $ 1.053/4 $ 1.011/4 $ .863/4 Total Assets ....................... $ 203,501 $ 159,761 $ 148,660 $ 144,822 $ 132,413 $ 125,676 $ 88,827 Convertible Preferred Stock ........ $ 3,894 $ 3,894 $ 1,566 $ 1,566 $ 1,566 $ 1,566 $ -- Long-term Debt ..................... $ 78,032 $ 52,918 $ 52,961 $ 52,960 $ 49,500 $ 37,000 $ 39,350 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS ASSETS December 31, 1998 1997 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTILITY PLANT Water Production $ 28,154,961 $ 27,689,254 Transmission and Distribution 118,234,900 113,104,789 General 19,300,406 18,845,301 Construction Work in Progress 25,794,061 5,683,217 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 191,484,328 165,322,561 Less Accumulated Depreciation 32,367,936 30,251,825 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTILITY PLANT - NET 159,116,392 135,070,736 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NONUTILITY ASSETS - NET 3,710,437 2,038,568 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURRENT ASSETS: Cash and Cash Equivalents 9,388,822 2,513,294 Temporary Cash Investments - Restricted 9,776,072 218,787 Accounts Receivable 4,886,067 3,794,860 Unbilled Revenues 2,298,148 2,175,934 Materials and Supplies (at average cost) 906,866 960,577 Prepayments 528,348 387,487 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 27,784,323 10,050,939 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFERRED CHARGES: Unamortized Debt Expense 3,143,384 2,773,233 Preliminary Survey and Investigation Charges 276,202 213,650 Regulatory Assets: Income Taxes (Note 3) 5,788,752 6,031,247 Postretirement Costs (Note 9) 1,214,092 1,328,722 Other (Note 2) 2,467,674 2,253,678 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGES 12,890,104 12,600,530 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL $ 203,501,256 $ 159,760,773 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
CAPITALIZATION AND LIABILITIES December 31, 1998 1997 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAPITALIZATION Common Stock $ 45,507,172 $ 31,138,484 (See Accompanying Retained Earnings 21,222,294 20,087,065 Statements and Note 8): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COMMON EQUITY 66,729,466 51,225,549 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cumulative Preferred Stock 4,995,635 4,995,635 Long-term Debt 78,031,513 52,918,245 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CAPITALIZATION 149,756,614 109,139,429 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CURRENT Current Portion of Long-term Debt 71,730 42,708 LIABILITIES: Notes Payable 1,000,000 564,701 Accounts Payable 3,373,595 3,191,033 Taxes Accrued 5,220,669 5,142,089 Interest Accrued 1,701,330 1,183,561 Other 1,832,737 1,453,516 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 13,200,061 11,577,608 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES (Note 4) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFERRED CREDITS: Customer Advances for Construction 11,275,660 10,830,646 Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Credits (Note 3) 2,165,384 2,237,060 Accumulated Deferred Federal Income Taxes (Note 3) 12,070,474 12,177,993 Employee Benefit Plans (Note 9) 3,762,516 2,719,797 Other 791,460 723,173 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DEFERRED CREDITS 30,065,494 28,688,669 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTIONS IN AID OF CONSTRUCTION 10,479,087 10,355,067 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL $ 203,501,256 $ 159,760,773 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME Years ended December 31, 1998 1997 1996 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATING REVENUES (Note 2) $ 43,057,966 $ 40,294,118 $ 38,024,669 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATING EXPENSES: Operations (Note 4) 19,807,472 17,771,892 17,288,440 Maintenance 1,715,357 1,741,487 1,527,842 Depreciation 3,284,669 3,070,843 2,929,106 Other Taxes 6,101,719 5,781,641 5,569,047 Federal Income Taxes (Note 3) 2,999,288 3,135,118 2,526,297 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 33,908,505 31,500,981 29,840,732 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATING INCOME 9,149,461 8,793,137 8,183,937 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER INCOME: Allowance for Funds Used During Construction 1,050,044 147,912 63,614 Other - Net 745,322 256,554 223,786 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OTHER INCOME 1,795,366 404,466 287,400 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCOME BEFORE INTEREST CHARGES 10,944,827 9,197,603 8,471,337 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEREST CHARGES: Interest on Long-term Debt 4,088,631 3,163,035 3,166,786 Amortization of Debt Expense 132,049 121,089 120,930 Other Interest Expense 202,921 52,573 16,161 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL INTEREST CHARGES 4,423,601 3,336,697 3,303,877 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NET INCOME 6,521,226 5,860,906 5,167,460 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDEND REQUIREMENTS 318,786 226,027 158,926 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EARNINGS APPLICABLE TO COMMON STOCK $ 6,202,440 $ 5,634,879 $ 5,008,534 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EARNINGS AND DIVIDENDS PER SHARE OF COMMON STOCK: Earnings per Share (Note 8): Basic $ 1.42 $ 1.33 $ 1.20 Diluted $ 1.41 $ 1.33 $ 1.20 Average Number of Shares Outstanding (Note 8): Basic 4,353,879 4,235,082 4,169,334 Diluted 4,580,305 4,382,345 4,258,740 Dividends Paid per Share $ 1.15 $ 1.121/2 $ 1.101/2 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. -23-
MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CAPITAL STOCK AND LONG-TERM DEBT December 31, 1998 1997 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Common Stock, No Par Value (Note 8): Shares Authorized - 10,000,000 Shares Outstanding - 1998 - 4,897,069 $ 45,889,980 1997 - 4,269,217 $ 31,425,398 Restricted Stock Plan (Note 9) (382,808) (286,914) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL COMMON STOCK 45,507,172 31,138,484 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cumulative Preference Stock, No Par Value: Shares Authorized - 100,000 Shares Outstanding - None Cumulative Preferred Stock, No Par Value (Note 8): Shares Authorized - 149,980 Convertible: Shares Outstanding, $7.00 Series - 14,881 1,562,505 1,562,505 Shares Outstanding, $8.00 Series - 20,000 2,331,430 2,331,430 Nonredeemable: Shares Outstanding, $7.00 Series - 1,017 101,700 101,700 Shares Outstanding, $4.75 Series - 10,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CUMULATIVE PREFERRED STOCK 4,995,635 4,995,635 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long-term Debt (Note 8): 8.05%, Amortizing Secured Note, due December 20, 2021 3,418,243 3,460,953 First Mortgage Bonds: 7.25%, Series R, due July 1, 2021 6,000,000 6,000,000 5.20%, Series S, due October 1, 2022 12,000,000 12,000,000 5.25%, Series T, due October 1, 2023 6,500,000 6,500,000 6.40%, Series U, due February 1, 2009 15,000,000 15,000,000 5.25%, Series V, due February 1, 2029 10,000,000 10,000,000 5.35%, Series W, due February 1, 2038 23,000,000 - 0.00%, Series X, due August 1, 2018 1,050,000 - 4.53%, Series Y, due August 1, 2018 1,135,000 - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBTOTAL LONG-TERM DEBT 78,103,243 52,960,953 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Less: Current Portion of Long-term Debt (71,730) (42,708) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL LONG-TERM DEBT $ 78,031,513 $ 52,918,245 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. -24-
MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS Years Ended December 31, 1998 1997 1996 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Net Income $ 6,521,226 $ 5,860,906 $ 5,167,460 Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities: Depreciation and Amortization 3,796,607 3,145,218 3,011,337 Provision for Deferred Income Taxes 134,976 778,521 811,993 Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (1,050,044) (147,912) (63,614) Changes in Assets and Liabilities: Accounts Receivable (1,091,207) 305,079 202,524 Accounts Payable 182,562 1,653,239 164,745 Accrued Taxes 78,580 612,904 207,266 Accrued Interest 517,769 11,170 (48,609) Unbilled Revenues (122,214) 29,344 (5,335) Employee Benefit Plans 1,015,280 536,342 666,392 Other-Net 433,666 (158,099) 142,566 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES 10,417,201 12,626,712 10,256,725 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Utility Plant Expenditures* (26,275,281) (10,233,685) (6,172,482) Cash from Acquisition of Subsidiary - 158,436 - Notes Receivable (1,619,065) 5,963 - Preliminary Survey & Investigation Charges (62,552) (458,016) (883,015) Other-Net (654,605) (779,145) (657,958) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NET CASH USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES (28,611,503) (11,306,447) (7,713,455) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS Years Ended December 31, 1998 1997 1996 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Redemption of Long-term Debt (42,710) (41,780) (1,200,000) Proceeds from Issuance of Long-term Debt 25,185,000 - 1,000,000 Short-term Bank Borrowings 435,299 - - Deferred Debt Issuance Expenses (502,200) - (251) Temporary Cash Investments-Restricted (9,557,285) 9,996 (152,593) Proceeds from Issuance of Common Stock-Net 14,288,456 1,147,418 1,168,122 Payment of Common Dividends (4,987,013) (4,761,327) (4,604,504) Payment of Preferred Dividends (318,751) (239,361) (158,926) Construction Advances and Contributions-Net 569,034 1,032,721 549,604 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NET CASH PROVIDED BY (USED IN) FINANCING ACTIVITIES 25,069,830 (2,852,333) (3,398,548) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NET CHANGES IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 6,875,528 (1,532,068) (855,278) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 2,513,294 4,045,362 4,900,640 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR $ 9,388,822 $ 2,513,294 $ 4,045,362 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Excludes Allowance for Funds Used During Construction. SUPPLEMENTAL DISCLOSURE OF CASH FLOWS INFORMATION: Cash Paid During the Year for: Interest (net of amounts capitalized) $ 2,810,578 $ 3,045,867 $ 3,116,338 Income Taxes $ 3,162,975 $ 1,702,200 $ 2,117,998 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. -25-
MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF RETAINED EARNINGS Years Ended December 31, 1998 1997 1996 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR $ 20,087,065 $ 19,226,847 $ 18,822,817 NET INCOME 6,521,226 5,860,906 5,167,460 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 26,608,291 25,087,753 23,990,277 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASH DIVIDENDS: Cumulative Preferred Stock 318,751 239,361 158,926 Common Stock 4,987,013 4,761,327 4,604,504 COMMON STOCK EXPENSES 80,233 - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DEDUCTIONS 5,385,997 5,000,688 4,763,430 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BALANCE AT END OF YEAR $ 21,222,294 $ 20,087,065 $ 19,226,847 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. -26- NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (a) Organization - Middlesex Water Company (Middlesex) is the parent company and sole shareholder of Tidewater Utilities, Inc. (Tidewater), Pinelands Water Company, Pinelands Wastewater Company, Utility Service Affiliates, Inc. (USA) and Utility Service Affiliates (Perth Amboy) Inc. (USA-PA), which was established in October 1998. Public Water Supply Company, Inc. (Public) and White Marsh Environmental Systems, Inc., are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Tidewater. The financial statements for Middlesex and its wholly-owned subsidiaries (the Company) are reported on a consolidated basis. All intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated. (b) System of Accounts - Middlesex, Pinelands Water and Pinelands Wastewater maintain their accounts in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts prescribed by the Board of Public Utilities of the State of New Jersey (BPU). Tidewater and Public maintain their accounts in accordance with the Public Service Commission of Delaware (PSC) requirements. (c) Utility Plant is stated at original cost as defined for regulatory purposes. Property accounts are charged with the cost of betterments and major replacements of property. Cost includes direct material, labor and indirect charges for pension benefits and payroll taxes. The cost of labor, materials, supervision and other expenses incurred in making repairs and minor replacements and in maintaining the properties is charged to the appropriate expense accounts. At December 31, 1998, there was no event or change in circumstance that would indicate that the carrying amount of any long-lived asset was not recoverable. (d) Depreciation is computed by each regulated member of the Company utilizing a rate approved by the applicable regulatory authority. The Accumulated Provision for Depreciation is charged with the cost of property retired, together with removal costs, less salvage. (e) Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC) - Middlesex, Tidewater, Public, Pinelands Water and Pinelands Wastewater capitalize AFUDC, which represents the cost of financing major projects during construction. AFUDC is added to the construction costs of individual projects exceeding specific cost thresholds established for each company and then depreciated along with the rest of the utility plant's costs over its estimated useful life. AFUDC is calculated using each company's weighted cost of debt and equity. (f) Accounts Receivable - Provision for allowance for doubtful accounts at December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996, and the corresponding expense and deduction for those years, is less than $0.1 million. (g) Revenues from regulated activities are recorded as service is rendered and include estimates for amounts unbilled at the end of the period for services provided subsequent to the last billing cycle. Fixed service charges are billed in advance by the Delaware subsidiaries and are recognized in revenue as the service is provided. Management contract fees are recorded as earned. (h) Deferred Charges - Unamortized Debt Expense is amortized over the lives of the related issues. As authorized by the BPU, main cleaning and lining costs, tank painting and regulatory expenses are amortized over 2 to 15-year periods. -27- (i) Income Taxes - Middlesex files a consolidated Federal income tax return for the Company and income taxes are allocated based on the separate return method. Investment tax credits have been deferred and are amortized over the estimated useful life of the related property. (j) Statements of Cash Flows - For purposes of reporting cash flows, the Company considers all highly liquid investments with original maturity dates of three months or less to be cash equivalents. Cash and cash equivalents represent bank balances, commercial paper and money market funds maturing in less than 90 days. (k) Use of Estimates - Conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts in the financial statements. Actual results could differ from those estimates. (l) In June 1998, The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities." This Statement establishes accounting and reporting standards for derivative instruments, including certain derivative instruments embedded in other contracts. The Company is currently evaluating the requirements of this accounting standard, which is required to be adopted in the first quarter of 2000. Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive Income," establishes standards for reporting and display of comprehensive income and its components in a full set of general-purpose financial statements. At December 31, 1998, the Company does not have any significant items of comprehensive income that would effect the current reporting of the Company's financial position, results of operations or cash flows. (m) Certain prior year amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current year reporting. Note 2 - Rates and Revenues On September 17, 1998, Middlesex filed a petition with the BPU for a base rate increase of $8.0 million, or 21.9%. Approximately 75% of the increase is necessary to recover the investment in the upgrade and expansion of the Carl J. Olsen Water Treatment Plant (CJO Plant) serving our central New Jersey water system. The purpose of the upgrade is to meet the new and anticipated regulatory standards concerning water quality, as well as to increase the plant's production capacity. A decision by the BPU is expected in the summer of 1999. On January 29, 1998, the BPU approved an increase in the rates of Middlesex by 4.4%, or $1.5 million. The original petition was filed in November 1996. Under the approval, the allowed return on equity is 11.0% with an overall rate of return of 8.56%. The increase includes the recovery of postretirement costs other than pension expenses which are mandated by the Company's compliance with SFAS No. 106, "Employers' Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions." In December 1998, Middlesex filed a petition with the BPU for approval of a franchise ordinance to provide retail water service and install water system facilities in the City of South Amboy (South Amboy). A favorable decision by the BPU will result in the elimination of an existing wholesale water sales contract and a significant modification to an existing management service contract between Middlesex, along with USA, and South Amboy (See Note 4). A decision from the BPU is expected in the second quarter of 1999. -28- In January 1997, the BPU approved a stipulation agreed to by the parties to the Pinelands Water and Wastewater Companies' rate cases which were filed in February 1996. The stipulations allow for a combined rate increase which will result in $0.4 million additional revenues. The new rates were phased in over a three-year period to minimize the impact on customers. The three phases were implemented in January 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively. Included in Deferred Charges-Other is $0.9 million of deferred costs at December 31, 1998, which Middlesex, Pinelands Water and Pinelands Wastewater are recovering through rates over periods of 2 to 14 years. The BPU has excluded these costs from their rate bases and, therefore, they are not earning a return on the unamortized costs during the recovery periods. Note 3 - Income Taxes Federal income tax expense differs from the amount computed by applying the statutory rate on book income subject to tax for the following reasons:
Years Ended December 31, (Thousands of Dollars) 1998 1997 1996 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income Tax at Statutory Rate of 34% ............ $ 3,237 $ 2,956 $ 2,616 Tax Effect of: AFUDC ........................................ (357) (49) (22) Other ........................................ 119 (133) (68) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Federal Income Tax Expense ............... $ 2,999 $ 2,774 $ 2,526 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federal income tax expense is comprised of the following:
Current ................................. $ 2,975 $ 2,117 $ 1,835 Deferred: Customer Advances ..................... 51 63 35 Accelerated Depreciation .............. 595 753 733 Employee Benefit Plans ................ (358) (107) (99) Investment Tax Credit ................. (72) (72) (72) Other ................................. (192) 20 94 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Federal Income Tax Expense ........ $ 2,999 $ 2,774 $ 2,526 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charged to: Operating Expenses ......... $ 2,999 $ 3,135 $ 2,526 Other Income-Net ... -- (361) -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Provision ........................ $ 2,999 $ 2,774 $ 2,526 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The statutory review period for income tax returns for the years prior to 1995 has been closed. The Company is required to set up deferred income taxes for all temporary differences regardless of the regulatory ratemaking treatment. However, if it is probable that these additional taxes will be passed on to ratepayers, an offsetting regulatory asset or liability can be recorded. Management believes that it is probable that the consolidated deferred income tax liability of approximately $5.8 million will be recovered in future rates. Therefore, a regulatory asset has been set up to offset the increased liability. -29- Deferred income taxes reflect the net tax effect of temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial purposes and the amounts used for income tax purposes. The components of the net deferred tax liability are as follows:
Years Ended December 31, (Thousands of Dollars) 1998 1997 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Utility Plant Related $17,549 $17,151 Customer Advances (4,669) (4,586) Employee Benefits (813) (489) Other 3 102 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Deferred Tax Liability $12,070 $12,178 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note 4 - Commitments and Contingent Liabilities Service Agreement - On December 8, 1998, the Company's newly formed subsidiary, USA-PA, entered into a 20-year agreement with the City of Perth Amboy, New Jersey (Perth Amboy) and the Middlesex County Improvement Authority (MCIA) to operate and maintain the water and wastewater systems of Perth Amboy. USA-PA began operating Perth Amboy's systems on January 1, 1999. Perth Amboy has a population of 40,000 and has approximately 9,500 customers, most of whom are served by both systems. The agreement is being effected under New Jersey's Water Supply Public-Private Contracting Act and the New Jersey Wastewater Public/Private Contracting Act. Under the agreement, USA-PA will receive a fixed fee and a variable fee based on increased system billing. Fixed fee payments begin at $6.4 million in the first year and increase to $9.7 in year 20. The agreement also requires USA-PA to lease from Perth Amboy all of its employees who currently work on the Perth Amboy water and wastewater systems. In connection with the agreement, Perth Amboy through the MCIA, issued approximately $68.0 million in three series of bonds on January 28, 1999. The Company guaranteed one of those series of bonds, in principal amount of approximately $26.3 million. Perth Amboy guaranteed the two other series of bonds. In addition to the agreement with Perth Amboy, effective January 1, 1999, USA-PA entered into a 20-year subcontract with a sewer contracting firm for the operation and maintenance of the Perth Amboy wastewater system. The subcontract requires the sharing of certain fixed and variable fees and operating expenses. Franchise Agreement/Service Agreement - On December 9, 1998, Middlesex signed an agreement with the City of South Amboy (South Amboy) whereby Middlesex will be granted a franchise to provide water service and install water system facilities in South Amboy. The implementation of the franchise agreement, which is subject to approval by the BPU, will significantly impact two existing agreements entered into by the parties in 1994. -30- The first agreement is for the sale of water to South Amboy on a wholesale basis. The second agreement, which included Middlesex's wholly owned subsidiary USA, is a contract to provide management services for a fixed fee. In conjunction with the franchise agreement, the water sales contract will be eliminated. In addition, the management services contract will be extended through May 2045 and significantly modified to correspond with the terms and conditions of the franchise agreement. Certain advances made by USA to South Amboy at the commencement of the management services contract will be forgiven in consideration for the franchise agreement. Fixed fee revenues recognized under the original contract will be eliminated in lieu of revenues derived from providing water to South Amboy's 2,600 customers. In 1998, 1997 and 1996, service contract revenues recognized under the original contract were $0.5 million, $0.4 million and $0.3 million, respectively. A decision by the BPU is expected in the second quarter of 1999. Water Supply - Middlesex has an agreement with the Elizabethtown Water Company for the purchase of treated water. This agreement, which expires December 31, 2005, provides for the minimum purchase of 3 million gallons daily (mgd) of treated water with provisions for additional purchases. The 1998, 1997 and 1996 costs under this agreement were $1.6 million, $1.5 million and $1.3 million, respectively. Middlesex also has an agreement with the New Jersey Water Supply Authority (NJWSA), which expires November 1, 2013, and provides for the minimum purchase of 20 mgd of untreated water from the Delaware and Raritan Canal and the Raritan River. In addition, the Company has a supplemental one-year agreement for an additional 5 mgd through April 30, 1999. This agreement is renewable on an annual basis. The total costs under this agreement in 1998, 1997 and 1996 were $1.8 million, $1.7 million and $1.7 million, respectively. Construction - The Company plans to spend approximately $26.6 million, $10.4 million and $9.8 million in 1999, 2000 and 2001, respectively, on its construction program. Substantially all of the utility plant of the Company is subject to the lien of its mortgage which also includes certain restrictions as to cash dividend payments and other distributions on common stock. Litigation - A motel in our Middlesex service area originally filed claims against us in 1990 alleging financial losses due to improper water pressure and service and also seeking punitive damages. Subsequently in 1994, and again in 1997, the motel suffered outbreaks of legionella, resulting in the 1997 shutdown of the motel by the New Jersey Department of Health. The motel amended its claims to assert that we provided water containing the legionella bacteria. The motel is in bankruptcy. A bank creditor of the motel has joined in the motel's claim against us. We believe that the motel's claims are not supportable. Claims resulting from the death of a motel guest from legionella in 1997 and claims by two other patrons alleging illness as a result of their stay at the motel in 1997 have been brought against the motel and against us. We have substantial insurance coverage, which we believe will be sufficient for all claims in this matter other than for punitive damages. We do not believe the motel's claims for punitive damages will prevail. While the outcome of this case remains uncertain, we believe that the final resolution will not have a significant effect on our financial condition or results of operations. A 1995 fire at a warehouse in our service territory resulted in multiple party claims brought forth in the Superior Court for Middlesex County, New Jersey, as well as, with the financial collapse of the principal tenant, in the Federal Bankruptcy Court. The claims in the State court action are for unspecified amounts but include claims against us for insufficient water pressure and supply. The Bankruptcy Court has stayed all claims against the tenant except, to the extent the tenant is insured, claims brought by us arising from claims made against us by other tenants and the landlord. Under New Jersey case law, we will not have financial responsibility to parties to the extent they receive payments under their own insurance policies. We do not -31- know either the total amount of claims against us or how much of that amount will be covered by the parties' own insurance policies. Our counsel in the litigation advises us that the case is unlikely to be resolved rapidly. We believe we have substantial defenses to the claims against us, although we do not have insurance coverage for them. The Company has been notified of a potential claim of $1.5 million involving the break of both a Company water line and an underground electric power cable in close proximity to it. The power cable contained both electric lines and a petroleum based insulating fluid. The Company is insured for damages except for damages resulting from pollution discharge. Causation and liability has not been established. Note 5 - Lines of Credit, Notes Payable and Restricted Cash
(Thousands of Dollars) 1998 1997 1996 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Established Lines at Year End $28,000 $20,000 $20,000 Maximum Amount Outstanding 4,575 - - Average Outstanding 2,653 - - Notes Payable at Year End 1,000 - - Weighted Average Interest Rate 5.37% - -
To accommodate the funding requirements of the Company's on-going capital program, in December 1997 the Board of Directors authorized an increase in the amount of lines of credit for up to $30 million. Short-term borrowings are generally below the prime rate with some requirements for compensating balances not exceeding 5% of the line. Restricted temporary cash investments at December 31, 1998 include a $7.1 million balance of Series W First Mortgage Bonds proceeds and a $2.2 million balance of Series X and Y First Mortgage Bonds proceeds. These funds are held in trusts and restricted to specific capital expenditures. The Series W proceeds are for costs related to the CJO Plant upgrade. Series X and Y proceeds can only be used for the 1999 main cleaning and cement lining program. Note 6 - Related Party Transactions During 1998, 1997 and 1996, Middlesex had transactions with a construction company in which a member of the Board of Directors has a financial interest. Major construction transactions were awarded on the basis of competitive bids approved by the Board of Directors (with the interested Director abstaining) and amounted to $1.0 million, $0.7 million and $0.9 million for the years 1998, 1997 and 1996, respectively. These amounts included $0.1 million due the construction company at December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996. -32- Note 7 - Quarterly Operating Results - Unaudited Quarterly operating results for 1998 and 1997 are as follows:
(Thousands of Dollars Except per Share Data) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1998 Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Year - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Operating Revenues $ 9,769 $ 10,591 $12,074 $10,624 $43,058 Operating Income 1,948 2,268 2,978 1,955 9,149 Net Income 1,263 1,574 2,348 1,336 6,521 Basic Earnings per Share $ 0.28 $ 0.34 $ 0.52 $ 0.28 $ 1.42 Diluted Earnings per Share 0.28 0.34 0.51 0.28 1.41 1997 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Operating Revenues $9,336 $ 9,937 $10,968 $10,053 $40,294 Operating Income 2,023 2,120 2,682 1,943 8,768 Net Income 1,282 1,311 1,894 1,374 5,861 Basic Earnings per Share $ 0.30 $ 0.30 $ 0.43 $ 0.30 $ 1.33 Diluted Earnings per Share 0.30 0.30 0.43 0.30 1.33
The information above, in the opinion of the Company, includes all adjustments consisting only of normal recurring accruals necessary for a fair presentation of such amounts. The business of the Company is subject to seasonal fluctuation with the peak period usually occurring during the summer months. Note 8 - Capitalization All the transactions discussed below related to the issuance or redemption of securities were approved by the BPU, except where noted. Common Stock In December 1998, the Company completed the sale of 517,000 shares of its no par common stock at a price of $24.625 per share. The majority of the proceeds of the offering will be used to fund a portion of the cost of the CJO Plant upgrade. In addition, other capital improvement expenditures for the Company's utility systems will be funded by the proceeds. In June 1998, the Company increased the number of shares authorized under the Dividend Reinvestment and Common Stock Purchase Plan (DRP) from 900,000 to 1,700,000 shares. The cumulative number of shares issued under the DRP at December 31, 1998 is 848,493. In October 1997, the Board of Directors approved a 5% discount on the first 100,000 shares of common stock sold to participants of the Company's DRP between the period of January 2, 1998 and June 1, 1998. During 1998, 1997 and 1996, 110,852 shares ($2.3 million), 64,148 shares ($1.1 million) and 67,977 shares ($1.2 million) of common stock were issued under DRP and the restricted stock plan, respectively. In the event dividends on the preferred stock are in arrears, no dividends may be declared or paid on the common stock of the Company. At December 31, 1998, no restrictions were placed on common dividends. -33- Preferred Stock If four or more quarterly dividends are in arrears, the preferred shareholders, as a class, are entitled to elect two members to the Board of Directors in addition to Directors elected by holders of the common stock. In 1998, the number of authorized Preferred Stock, without par value, was reduced from 150,000 shares to 149,980 shares to account for shares that were redeemed. At December 31, 1998 and 1997, 45,898 shares of Preferred Stock presently authorized were outstanding for each year. There were no dividends in arrears. The conversion feature of the no par $7.00 Cumulative and Convertible Preferred Stock allows the security holders to exchange one convertible preferred share for six shares of the Company's common stock. In addition, the Company may redeem up to 10% of the outstanding convertible stock in any calendar year at a price equal to the fair market value of six shares of the Company's common stock for each share of convertible stock redeemed. On July 31, 1997, Middlesex issued 20,000 shares of no par $8.00 Cumulative and Convertible Preferred Stock convertible into 137,140 shares of Middlesex's common stock for 100% of the common stock of Public. The preferred shares are convertible at the election of the security holder within seven years from the date of issuance at the common equivalent rate of 6.857 shares of common stock for each share of preferred. The same conversion feature is granted to Middlesex after seven years from the date of issuance. The acquisition of Public, a 2,500-customer water system located in Sussex County Delaware was accounted for under the purchase method of accounting. The acquisition price, representing the value of the convertible preferred stock issued, was $2.3 million and resulted in an acquisition adjustment of $1.0 million. The acquisition adjustment is being amortized over a period determined using the remaining composite life of Public's utility plant. The following is supplemental unaudited pro forma information, as though the acquisition occurred as of January 1, 1996.
1997 1996 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating Revenues $40,985 $38,643 Net Income 5,864 5,247 Basic Earnings per Share $ 1.31 $ 1.18 Diluted Earnings per Share 1.30 1.18
Long-term Debt On March 31, 1998, Middlesex issued $23.0 million of First Mortgage Bonds designated as Series W with a maturity date of February 1, 2038 and a coupon rate of 5.35%. The effective interest cost to maturity is 5.48%. The bond offering was competitively bid in cooperation with the New Jersey Economic Development Authority. Interest paid to the bondholders is exempt from federal and New Jersey income taxes (Tax Exempt). However, the interest is subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). The proceeds of the bonds are being used to finance a significant portion of the upgrade of the CJO Plant. On November 1, 1998, the Company issued $1.05 million, designated as Series X, and $1.135 million, designated as Series Y, First Mortgage Bonds through the New Jersey State Revolving Fund (SRF). Series X has a zero interest cost, while Series Y has a coupon rate that varies from 4.25% to 4.625%. Both issues have a final maturity date of August 1, 2018. The SRF program, which is administered by the New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust, evolved from the Federal Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) regulations issued under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Under this program, investor-owned public water -34- utilities can apply for construction loans, which are funded by the participating state and the EPA through the state environmental agency. In New Jersey, initial project approval must be granted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. Funds from the EPA, which can equal up to 50% of construction costs, are loaned at a zero interest cost; the interest rate on the state portion of the loan is based upon the market place at time of issuance. The interest paid to bondholders is considered Tax Exempt subject to AMT. The proceeds of the bonds are being used to fund the 1999 capital project to clean and cement line previously unlined pipes and mains. The aggregate annual maturities for the amortizing secured note and Series X and Y First Mortgage Bonds for each of the next five years are as follows: 1999 and 2000 - $0.1 million; and 2001 through 2003; $0.2 million. All other First Mortgage Bonds are term bonds with a single maturity date, which are listed in the Consolidated Statements of Capital Stock and Long-term Debt. The weighted average interest rate on all long-term debt at December 31, 1998 and 1997 was 6.0% and 6.35%, respectively. Earnings Per Share In accordance with SFAS No. 128, "Earnings Per Share," which requires dual presentation of basic and diluted earnings per share in the Consolidated Statement of Income and requires a reconciliation of basic earnings per share (EPS) to diluted EPS, the following table presents the calculation of basic and diluted EPS for the three years ended December 31. Basic EPS are computed on the basis of the weighted average number of shares outstanding. Diluted EPS assumes the conversion of both the Convertible Preferred Stock $7.00 Series and $8.00 Series.
(In Thousands Except per Share Amounts) 1998 1997 1996 Basic: Income Shares Income Shares Income Shares - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Net Income $6,521 4,354 $5,861 4,235 $5,167 4,169 Preferred Dividend (319) (226) (159) ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- Earnings Applicable to Common Stock $6,202 4,354 $5,635 4,235 $5,008 4,169 Basic EPS $ 1.42 $ 1.33 $ 1.20 Diluted: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Earnings Applicable to Common Stock $6,202 4,354 $5,635 4,235 $5,008 4,169 $7.00 Series Dividend 104 89 104 89 104 89 $8.00 Series Dividend 160 137 68 58 - - ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- Adjusted Earnings Applicable to Common Stock $6,466 4,580 $5,807 4,382 $5,112 4,258 Diluted EPS $ 1.41 $ 1.33 $ 1.20
Fair Value of Financial Instruments The following methods and assumptions were used by the Company in estimating its fair value disclosure for financial instruments for which it is practicable to estimate that value. The carrying amounts reflected in the consolidated balance sheets for cash and cash equivalents, marketable securities, and trade receivables and payables approximate their respective fair values due to the short-term maturities of these instruments. The fair value of the Company's long-term debt relating to first mortgage bonds is based on quoted market prices for similar issues. At December 31, 1998 and 1997, the carrying and fair market value of the Company's bonds were as follows: -35-
(Thousands of Dollars) 1998 1997 Carrying Fair Carrying Fair Value Value Value Value - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Mortgage Bonds $74,685 $75,106 $49,500 $49,800
For other long-term debt for which there were no quoted market price, it was not practicable to estimate their fair value. The carrying amounts of these instruments at December 31, 1998 and 1997 were $3.4 million and $3.5 million, respectively. Customer advances for construction have a carrying value of $11.3 million and $10.8 million at December 31, 1998 and 1997, respectively. Their relative fair values cannot be accurately estimated since future refund payments depend on several variables, including new customer connections, customer consumption levels and future rate increases. Note 9 - Employee Benefit Plans Effective January 1, 1998, the Company adopted SFAS No. 132, "Employers' Disclosures about Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits," which revises and standardizes disclosure requirements for pension and other postretirement benefit plans but does not change the measurement or recognition of those plans. SFAS No. 132 supersedes the disclosure requirements in SFAS No. 87, "Employers' Accounting for Pensions," and SFAS No. 106, "Employers' Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions." Pension The Company has a noncontributory defined benefit pension plan which covers substantially all employees with more than 1,000 hours of service. The Company makes contributions to the plan consistent with the funding requirements of Federal laws and regulations. In 1998, employees of Public, Pinelands Water and Pinelands Wastewater became eligible to participate in the Plan. Plan assets consist primarily of corporate equities, cash equivalents, and stock and bond funds. In addition, the Company maintains an unfunded supplemental pension plan for its executives. Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions The Company has a postretirement benefit plan other than pension for substantially all of its retired employees. Coverage includes health care and life insurance. Employee contributions are dependent on credited years of service. Accrued retirement benefit costs are recorded each year. In 1998, employees of Tidewater, Public, Pinelands Water and Pinelands Wastewater became eligible to participate in the Plan. The Company has recognized a deferred regulatory asset relating to the difference between the accrued retirement benefit costs and actual cash paid for plan premiums in years prior to 1998. Included in the regulatory asset is a transition obligation from adopting SFAS No.106 on January 1, 1993. As part of Middlesex's most recent rate case settlement (see Note 2), the BPU allowed the recovery of the annual accrued retirement benefit costs and the amortization of the transition obligation over 15 years. The regulatory assets at December 31, 1998 and 1997 were $1.2 million and $1.3 million, respectively. The following table sets forth information relating to the Company's Pension Plans and Other Postretirement Benefits. -36-
(Thousands of Dollars) Pension Benefits Other Benefits 1998 1997 1998 1997 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reconciliation of Benefit Obligation Beginning Balance ...................................... $ 15,577 $ 13,262 $ 4,209 $ 3,602 Service Cost ........................................... 619 534 132 116 Interest Cost .......................................... 1,065 935 287 258 Actuarial (Gain)/Loss .................................. -- 522 1 173 Benefits Paid .......................................... (688) (647) (195) (214) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending Balance ......................................... $ 16,573 $ 14,606 $ 4,434 $ 3,935 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reconciliation of Plan Assets at Fair Value Beginning Balance ...................................... $ 14,777 $ 12,831 $ -- $ -- Actual Return on Plan Assets ........................... 3,456 2,498 -- -- Employer Contributions ................................. 46 95 195 214 Benefits Paid .......................................... (687) (647) (195) (214) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ending Balance ......................................... $ 17,592 $ 14,777 -- -- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funded Status .......................................... $ 1,019 $ 171 $ (4,434) $ (3,935) Unrecognized Net Transition Obligation ................. 44 58 1,894 2,029 Unrecognized Net Actuarial (Gain)/Loss ................. (3,661) (2,287) 945 734 Unrecognized Prior Service Cost ........................ 758 826 (146) (157) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accrued Benefit Cost ................................... $ (1,840) $ (1,232) $ (1,741) $ (1,329) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Thousands of Dollars) Pension Benefits Other Benefits 1998 1997 1996 1998 1997 1996 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Components of Net Periodic Benefit Cost Service Cost ......................................... $ 619 $ 534 $ 507 $ 132 $ 116 $ 101 Interest Cost ........................................ 1,065 935 879 287 258 211 Expected Return on Plan Assets ....................... (1,156) (1,002) (924) -- -- -- Amortization of Net Transition Obligation ............ 14 14 14 135 135 135 Amortization of Net Actuarial (Gain)/Loss ............ 10 7 -- 64 41 2 Amortization of Prior Service Cost ................... 102 98 107 (11) (11) (11) Regulatory Deferral .................................. -- -- -- -- (325) (246) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Net Periodic Benefit Cost ............................ $ 654 $ 586 $ 583 $ 607 $ 214 $ 192 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bnefits Pension Benefits Other Weighted-Average Assumptions 1998 1997 1996 1998 1997 1996 ---------------------------------------------------------- Discount Rate ................ 7.00% 7.00% 7.25% 7.00% 7.00% 7.25% Expected Return on Plan Assets 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% -- -- -- Actual Return on Plan Assets . 23.95% 20.42% 12.10% -- -- -- Rate of Compensation Increase 4.75% 4.75% 4.75% 4.75% 4.75% 4.75%
For measurement purposes, a 5.0% annual rate of increase in the per capita cost of covered health care benefits was assumed for 1998 and all future years. Assumed health care trend rates have a significant effect on the amounts reported for the health care plan. A one-percentage point change in assumed health care cost trend rates would have the following effects:
(Thousands of Dollars) 1 Percentage Point Increase Decrease -------- -------- Effect on Current Year's Benefit Expense $ 69 $ (58) Effect on Benefit Obligation 717 (607)
401(k) Plan The Company has a 401(k) defined contribution plan, which covers substantially all employees with more than 1,000 hours of service. Under the terms of the Plan, the Company matches 100% of a participant's contributions which do not exceed 1% of a participant's compensation, plus 50% of a participant's contributions exceeding 1% but not more than 6%. The Company's matching contributions in 1998, 1997 and 1996 amounted to $0.2 million for each year. Stock Based Compensation The Company maintains a restricted stock plan, under which 36,050 shares of the Company's common stock are held in escrow by the Company for key employees. Such stock is subject to an agreement requiring forfeiture by the employee in the event of termination of employment within five years of the grant other than as a result of retirement, death or disability. In May 1997, 100,000 additional shares were allocated to the restricted stock plan, bringing the maximum number of shares authorized for grant under this plan to 160,000 shares. Compensation expense is determined by the market value of the stock on the date of the award and is being amortized over a five-year period. The compensation expenses were $0.1 million for each of the years 1998, 1997 and 1996. As permitted by SFAS No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation," (SFAS No. 123) the Company elected to account for its stock based compensation under Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees." Had compensation costs for the Company's restricted stock plan been determined based on methodology prescribed in SFAS No. 123, there would have been no effect on its results of operations or cash flows. -38- INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets and consolidated statements of capital stock and long-term debt of Middlesex Water Company and its subsidiaries as of December 31, 1998 and 1997 and the related consolidated statements of income, retained earnings and of cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1998. These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, such consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Middlesex Water Company and its subsidiaries at December 31, 1998 and 1997 and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1998 in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. /s/DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP/ - ------------------------ DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP Parsippany, New Jersey February 16, 1999 -39- SIGNATURES ---------- Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. Chairman of the Board and /s/J. Richard Tompkins/ 3/25/99 President and Director ----------------------- ------- J. Richard Tompkins Date Executive Vice President and /s/Richard A. Russo/ 3/25/99 Director ------------------- ------- Richard A. Russo Date Vice President and Controller /s/A. Bruce O'Connor/ 3/25/99 Chief Financial Officer --------------------- ------- A. Bruce O'Connor Date Director /s/John C. Cutting/ 3/25/99 ------------------- ------- John C. Cutting Date Director /s/Ernest C. Gere/ 3/25/99 ------------------ ------- Ernest C. Gere Date Director /s/John P. Mulkerin/ 3/25/99 -------------------- ------- John P. Mulkerin Date Director /s/Stephen H. Mundy/ 3/25/99 -------------------- ------- Stephen H. Mundy Date Director /s/Philip H. Reardon/ 3/25/99 --------------------- ------- Philip H. Reardon Date Director /s/Jeffries Shein/ 3/25/99 ------------------ ------- Jeffries Shein Date -40- EXHIBIT INDEX Exhibits designated with an asterisk (*) are filed herewith. The exhibits not so designated have heretofore been filed with the Commission and are incorporated herein by reference to the documents indicated in the previous filing columns following the description of such exhibits.
Previous Filing's Exhibit Registration Exhibit No. Document Description No. No. --- -------------------- --- --- *3.1 Certificate of Incorporation of the Company, as amended. 3.2 Bylaws of the Company, as amended. 33-54922 3.2 4.1 Form of Common Stock Certificate. 2-55058 2(a) 4.2 Registration Statement, Form S-3, under Securities Act of 1933 filed February 3, 1987, relating to the Dividend Reinvestment and Common Stock Purchase Plan. 33-11717 4.3 Post Effective Amendments No. 3 and 7, Form S-3, under Securities 33-11717 Act of 1933 filed May 28, 1993, relating to the Dividend Reinvestment and Common Stock Purchase Plan. 10.1 Copy of Purchased Water Agreement between the Company and Elizabethtown Water Company, filed as Exhibit 10.1 of 1996 Form 10-K. 10.2 Copy of Mortgage, dated April 1, 1927, between the Company and Union County Trust Company, as Trustee, as supplemented by Supplemental Indentures, dated as of October 1, 1939 and April 1, 1949. 2-15795 4(a)-4(f) 10.3 Copy of Supplemental Indentures, dated as of July 1, 1964 and June 15, 1991, between the Company and Union County Trust Company, as 10.4 - 10.9 Trustee. 33-54922 and 10.16 10.4 Copy of Trust Indenture, dated as of June 15, 1991, between the New Jersey Economic Development Authority and Midlantic National Bank, as Trustee. 33-54922 10.17 10.5 Copy of Supply Agreement, dated as of November 17, 1986, between the Company and the Old Bridge Municipal Utilities Authority. 33-31476 10.12
Previous Filing's Exhibit Registration Exhibit No. Document Description No. No. --- -------------------- --- --- 10.6 Copy of Supply Agreement, dated as of July 14, 1987, between the Company and the Marlboro Township Municipal Utilities Authority, as amended. 33-31476 10.13 10.7 Copy of Supply Agreement, dated as of February 11, 1988, with modifications dated February 25, 1992, and April 20, 1994, between the Company and the Borough of Sayreville filed as Exhibit No. 10.11 of 1994 First Quarter Form 10-Q. 10.8 Copy of Water Purchase Contract and Supplemental Agreement, dated as of May 12, 1993, between the Company and the New Jersey Water Supply Authority filed as Exhibit No. 10.12 of 1993 Form 10-K. 10.9 Copy of Treating and Pumping Agreement, dated April 9, 1984, between the Company and the Township of East Brunswick. 33-31476 10.17 10.10 Copy of Supply Agreement, dated June 4, 1990, between the Company and Edison Township. 33-54922 10.24 10.11 Copy of Supply Agreement, between the Company and the Borough of Highland Park, filed as Exhibit No. 10.15 of 1996 Form 10-K. 10.12 Copy of Pipeline Lease Agreement, dated as of January 9, 1987, between the Company and the City of Perth Amboy. 33-31476 10.20 10.13 Copy of Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan, effective January 1, 1984, as amended. 33-31476 10.21 10.14 Copy of 1989 Restricted Stock Plan, filed as Appendix B to the Company's Definitive Proxy Statement, dated and filed April 25, 33-31476 10.22 1997. 10.15 Amendment to Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan, dated May 23, 1990, filed as Exhibit No. 10.23 of 1991 Form 10-K. 10.16 Copy of Transmission Agreement, dated October 16, 1992, between the Company and the Township of East Brunswick. 33-54922 10.23
Previous Filing's Exhibit Registration Exhibit No. Document Description No. No. --- -------------------- --- --- 10.17 Copy of Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated January 7, 1992, between the Company, Midwater Utilities, Inc. and Tidewater Utilities, Inc. 33-54922 10.29 10.18 Copy of Supplemental Indentures, dated September 1, 1993, (Series S & T) and January 1, 1994, (Series U & V), between the Company and United Counties Trust Company, as Trustee, filed as Exhibit No. 10.22 of 1993 Form 10-K. 10.19 Copy of Trust Indentures, dated September 1, 1993, (Series S & T) and January 1, 1994, (Series V), between the New Jersey Economic Development Authority and First Fidelity Bank (Series S & T), as Trustee, and Midlantic National Bank (Series V), as Trustee, filed as Exhibit No. 10.23 of 1993 Form 10-K. 10.20 Copy of Amended Pipeline Lease Agreement between the Company and the City of Perth Amboy 333-66727 10.24 10.21 Copy of Supplemental Indenture dated March 1, 1998 between Middlesex Water Company and First Union National Bank, as Trustee. Copy of Trust Indenture dated March 1, 1998 between the New Jersey Economic Development Authority and PNC Bank, National Association, as Trustee (Series W),filed as Exhibit No. 10.21 of the 1998 Third Quarter Form 10-Q 10.22 Copy of Supplemental Indenture dated October 15, 1998 between Middlesex Water Company and First Union National Bank, as Trustee. Copy of Loan Agreement dated November 1, 1998 between the State of New Jersey and Middlesex Water Company (Series X), filed as Exhibit No. 10.22 of the 1998 Third Quarter Form 10-Q. 10-23 Copy of Supplemental Indenture dated October 15, 1998 between Middlesex Water Company and First Union National Bank, as Trustee. Copy of Loan Agreement dated November 1, 1998 between the New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust and Middlesex Water Company (Series Y), filed as Exhibit No. 10.23 of the 1998 Third Quarter Form 10-Q. 10.24 Copy of Operation, Maintenance and Management Services Agreement dated January 1, 1999 between the Company, City of Perth Amboy, Middlesex County Improvement Authority and Utility Service Affiliates, Inc. 333-66727 10.24
Previous Filing's Exhibit Registration Exhibit No. Document Description No. No. --- -------------------- --- --- 10.25 Assignment and Acceptance agreement between Utility Service Affiliates, Inc. and Utility Service Affiliates (Perth Amboy) Inc. 333-66727 10.25 *23 Independent Auditors' Consent. *27 Financial Data Schedule


                             MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY

              Approved by the Board of Directors February 27, 1997

         MIDDLESEX  WATER COMPANY  (hereinafter  referred to as "the Company" or
"the  Corporation"),  a  corporation  of New Jersey  resulting  from Articles of
Agreement  and  Consolidation  dated June 23,  1897,  between the MIDLAND  WATER
COMPANY,  a  corporation  organized  under  "An  act  concerning  corporations",
approved  April 7,  1875,  as  supplemented  and  amended,  its  certificate  of
incorporation  having  been  amended  under  "An  act  concerning  corporations,
Revision of 1896",  and MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY,  a corporation  organized under
"An act for the  construction,  maintenance and operation of water works for the
purpose of  supplying  cited,  towns and  villages  of this  state with  water",
approved April 21, 1876, as amended and supplemented; and also resulting from an
agreement  of  merger  and  consolidation  dated  September  10,  1907,  between
under the laws of the State of New Jersey;  and having  filed,  on December  21,
1925, a Certificate  of Desire to come under Chapter CXCIII of the Laws of 1876,
does  hereby  certify  that  the  certificate  of   incorporation   forming  the
Corporation,  as amended and supplemented by all certificates  filed pursuant to
law, is restated as set forth below:

         ARTICLE 1. The name of the corporation is MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY.  The
period of existence of MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY shall be perpetual.

         ARTICLE 2. The address of the Company's  current  registered  office is
1500 Ronson Road, Iselin, Township of Woodbridge, New Jersey 08830-3049, and the
name of the Company's  current agent therein upon whom process  against the said
Company may be served is Marion F. Reynolds.

         ARTICLE 3. The purpose of the  Company is to  construct,  maintain  and
operate  waterworks,  wells,  reservoirs,  mains,  pipes, and appurtenances;  to
obtain,  impound and supply water for public and private use; to acquire,  hold,
lease,  mortgage,  exchange,  sell,  convey  and  dispose  of real and  personal
property and interests therein, including the securities of any water company or
other  corporation;  and to exercise all the rights and powers which the Company
may  lawfully  possess;  including  such  rights and powers as were set forth in
statutes  under which the Company was  incorporated  as such  statutes have been
amended, extended and superseded from time to time.

         ARTICLE 4. The management of the affairs of the Company shall be vested
in a Board of Directors, to be selected by and from the stockholders, consisting
of not less than  five nor more  than  twelve  directors,  the  exact  number of
directors  to  be  determined  from  time  to  time  by  resolution  adopted  by
affirmative  vote of a majority of the entire Board of Directors.  The directors
shall be divided into three classes, designated Class I, Class II and Class III.
Each class shall  consist,  as nearly as may be  possible,  of  one-third of the
total number of directors  constituting  the entire Board of  Directors.  At the
1984 annual meeting of  stockholders,  Class I directors  shall be elected for a
one-year  term,  Class II directors for a two-year terms and Class III directors
for a three  year  term.  At each  succeeding  annual  meeting  of  stockholders

beginning in 1985,  successors  to the class of directors  whose term expires at
that annual  meeting  shall be elected for a three-year  term.  If the number of
directors is changed,  any increase or decrease shall be  apportioned  among the
classes so as to maintain  the number of directors in each class as nearly equal
as possible,  but in no case shall a decrease in the number of directors shorten
the term of any  incumbent  director.  A director  shall hold  office  until the
annual  meeting  for the year in which his or her term  expires and until his or
her successor  shall be elected and shall qualify,  subject,  however,  to prior
death, resignation, retirement, disqualification or removal from office.

                      (a) The term of a director elected by stockholders to fill
           a newly  created  directorship  or other  vacancy shall expire at the
           same time as the terms of the other  directors of the class for which
           the new directorship is created or in which the vacancy occurred. Any
           vacancy on the Board of  Directors  that  results from an increase in
           the number of directors and any other vacancy  occurring in the Board
           of  Directors  may be filled by a majority of the  directors  then in
           office, although less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining director.
           Any  director  so elected by the Board of  Directors  shall,  without
           regard to the class in which such vacancy occurred, hold office until
           the next  succeeding  annual  meeting of  stockholders  and until his
           successor shall be elected and shall qualify.

                      (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, whenever the holders of
           any one or more  classes or series of preferred  stock or  preference
           stock,  issued by the  Company  shall  have the  right,  pursuant  to
           Article 7A (f) or Article 7E (e), respectively,  voting separately by
           class or  series,  to elect  additional  directors  at an  annual  or
           special  meeting  of  stockholders,  the  election,  term of  office,
           filling of vacancies and other features of such  directorships  shall
           be  governed  by  the   applicable   terms  of  the   Certificate  of
           Incorporation, as amended, and such directors so elected shall not be
           divided  into  classes  pursuant to this  ARTICLE 4 unless  expressly
           provided by such terms.

                      (c) The  directors  shall  choose by a  majority  vote the
           President and one or more Vice  Presidents,  the Secretary and one or
           more Assistant  Secretaries,  the Treasurer and one or more Assistant
           Treasurers,  all of whom  shall be chosen  annually  and  shall  hold
           office  for one  year and  until  their  successors  are  chosen  and
           qualified.  The directors  shall also appoint and remove from time to
           time such other  officers and agents as they shall think proper.  All
           of the provisions of this article are subject to alteration from time
           to time by the by-laws.

                      (d) The power to make and  alter  by-laws  of the  Company
           shall be in the  Board of  Directors.  By-laws  made by the  Board of
           Directors may be altered or repealed by the  affirmative  vote of the
           holders  of  two-thirds  (2/3) or more of the  outstanding  shares of
           capital stock of the Company having voting powers.

         ARTICLE 5. The number of directors  constituting  the current  Board of
Directors  of the  Company  is 9.  The  names  and  addresses  of the  directors
constituting its current Board of Directors as follows:

           John C. Cutting                       1610 Northstream Parkway
                                                 Point Pleasant, New Jersey

           Ernest C. Gere                        47 Troon Court
                                                 Pawleys Island, South Carolina

           John P. Mulkerin                      6 Oak Grove Lane
                                                 Edison, New Jersey

           Stephen H. Mundy                      1521 Duke of Windsor Road
                                                 Virginia Beach, Virginia

           Philip H. Reardon                     6 Knobb Hill
                                                 Byfield, Massachusetts

           Richard A. Russo                      1500 Ronson Road
                                                 Iselin, New Jersey

           Carolina M. Schneider                 1109-A Troy Towers
                                                 Bloomfield, New Jersey

           William E. Scott                      29 Laurel Place
                                                 Upper Montclair, New Jersey

           Jeffries Shein                        30 Huntley Road
                                                 Holmdel, New Jersey

           J. Richard Tompkins                   1500 Ronson Road
                                                 Iselin, New Jersey

                           ARTICLE  6.  The  directors  shall be  chosen  at the
annual meetings of the stockholders,  to be held at such time and place as shall
be provided by the by-laws of the Company.

         ARTICLE  7A.  The total  authorized  capital  stock of the  Company  is
6,169,418 shares,  divided into 6,000,000 shares of common stock without nominal
or par value, 69,418 shares of preferred stock without nominal or par value (out
of 100,000 shares of preferred stock  originally  authorized) and 100,000 shares
of preference  stock  without  nominal or par value.  Certain of the  originally
authorized  100,000 shares of preferred  stock without nominal or par value have
been  redeemed and canceled by the Company from time to time without the ability
to reissue such shares.  From time to time the capital  stock of the Company may
be issued and sold in such amounts,  within such authorized  limits, and in such
proportions  and  for  such  considerations  as may be  fixed  by the  Board  of
Directors of the Company,  and as may be permitted by law, and all capital stock
so issued and sold shall be deemed fully paid and  nonassessable  and the holder
of any such  shares  shall not be  liable to the  Company  or its  creditors  in
respect thereof.

(a) The  preferred  stock  shall be  issuable  from  time to time in one or more
series with such designation,  description and terms thereof,  in the manner and
to the  extent  permitted  by the  laws of the  State of New  Jersey,  as may be
determined  and fixed by the Board of  Directors at the time of the creation and
establishment  of any such  series  of  preferred  stock.  All of the  shares of

preferred  stock of each series  shall rank pari passu with all of the shares of
preferred  stock of each  other  series,  and  shall  have the same  rights  and
privileges,  preferences  and  voting  powers,  and shall be subject to the same
restriction or qualifications thereof, without distinction between the shares of
the respective  series except only as to variations in (i) the rates of dividend
payable thereon,  (ii) the terms on which shares of the respective series may be
redeemed,  (iii) the amount  which shall be paid to the holders of the shares of
the respective series in case of dissolution or any distribution of assets, (iv)
the terms or amount of any sinking fund  provided for the purchase or redemption
thereof,  (v) the terms upon which the  holders of the shares of the  respective
series may  convert  the same into stock of any other class or classes or of any
one or more series of the same class or of another class or classes, and (vi) in
such other respects,  if any, as may at the time be permitted by the laws of the
State of New Jersey.

                      (b) The holders of the preferred stock irrespective of the
           series thereof shall be entitled to receive, and the Company shall be
           obligated to pay,  when, as declared by the Board of Directors of the
           Company,  cumulative  dividends  at such  respective  rates as may be
           fixed by the Board of  Directors  of the  Company  at the time of the
           creation and  establishment  of the respective  series,  and no more,
           payable  quarterly  on the first days of  February,  May,  August and
           November of each year. Said dividends shall  accumulate from the date
           of the original issue of each shares of such preferred  stock (except
           for shares of the $7 Series  Cumulative  Preferred Stock described in
           ARTICLE 7B on which dividends shall accumulate from the date of their
           creation). Such dividends shall be payable before any dividends shall
           be paid  upon or set  apart  for  the  common  stock,  and  shall  be
           cumulative, so that if at any time dividends at the rate fixed by the
           Board of Directors and  designated by the  certificates  of shares of
           the  series of which it is a part  shall not be paid  thereon  or set
           apart  therefor,  the deficiency  shall be full paid or set apart for
           payment before any dividends  shall be paid upon or set apart for the
           common stock. Dividends shall not be paid exclusively upon any one or
           more series of preferred  stock but  dividends  shall be paid ratably
           upon all  outstanding  preferred  stock in the  proportions  that the
           annual dividend requirements of each series bears to the total annual
           dividend  requirements of all outstanding  preferred stock.  Whenever
           all cumulative unpaid dividends on the preferred stock, including the
           current quarterly  dividend,  shall have been fully paid or set apart
           for payment,  the Board of Directors may declare and pay dividends on
           the commons stock.

                      (c)  The  preferred  stock  of one or more  series  may be
           subject  to  redemption,  in which case such  preferred  stock may be
           redeemed and retired in whole,  or in part,  from time to time at any
           time on any  quarterly  dividend date at the option of the Company at
           such  redemption  prices as may be fixed by the Board of Directors at
           the  time  of  the  creation  and  establishment  thereof;  provided,
           however,  that all stock of any particular series shall be redeemable
           at the same  redemption  price.  The time,  place and  manner of such
           redemption  shall be in the  discretion  of the Board of Directors of
           the Company. Preferred stock which shall have been redeemed shall not
           be reissued,  and the Company  shall from time to time cause all such
           shares to be retired in the manner  provided by law. If less than all
           of the  outstanding  shares of preferred  stock subject to redemption
           are to be called for  redemption,  redemption may be less than all of

           the outstanding  shares of any one ore more series, in the discretion
           of the Board of Directors, and if less than all outstanding shares of
           any series are to be  redeemed,  the shares to be  redeemed  shall be
           determined  in such  manner  as may be  prescribed  by the  Board  of
           Directors. Redemption shall be made, however, only on at least thirty
           (30) days  prior  written  notice to the  holders  of the stock to be
           redeemed,  which  notice  shall  be  sufficient  if  contained  in  a
           post-paid  envelope addresses and mailed to the holder at his address
           of  record  as shown by the  books  of the  Company,  and the time of
           mailing  such  notice  shall be  deemed  to be the  time of  delivery
           thereof. From and after the date fixed in any such notice as the date
           of  redemption  (unless  default  shall  be  made by the  Company  in
           providing monies for the payment of the redemption price, pursuant to
           such notice) all dividends on the preferred  stock thereby called for
           redemption  shall  cease to  accrue  and all  rights  of the  holders
           thereof as stockholders  of the Company,  except the right to receive
           the redemption  price upon surrender of the  certificates of stock by
           such holders, shall cease and determine.

                      (d) The holders of each series of preferred stock shall be
           entitled to receive  payment out of the assets of the Company whether
           from capital or from earnings,  in an amount per share determined and
           fixed by the  Board of  Directors  at the  time of the  creation  and
           establishment of such series of preferred stock in the event of (i) a
           voluntary liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of the Company or a
           voluntary  sale  of all or  substantially  all of the  assets  of the
           Company or upon any voluntary  distribution of its capital or (ii) an
           involuntary liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of the Company or
           an involuntary sale of all or substantially  all of the assets of the
           Company, or upon any involuntary  distribution of its capital, before
           any payment shall be made or any assets distributed to the holders of
           common stock. If upon such liquidation, dissolution, winding up, sale
           of assets or distribution  of the capital of the Company,  the assets
           or  distribution  of the  capital of the  Company,  the  assets  thus
           distributed  among  the  holders  of the  preferred  stock  shall  be
           insufficient  to  permit  the  payment  to such  holders  of the full
           preferential amounts aforesaid, then the entire assets of the Company
           to be distributed  shall be distributed  ratably among the holders of
           the preferred stock in proportion to the full  preferential  amounts,
           if any, to which there are respectively entitled as aforesaid.  After
           payment  or  distribution  to  the  holders  of  preferred  stock  as
           aforesaid and after payment or distribution of remaining  assets,  if
           any,  ratably among the holders of preference  stock in proportion to
           the full  preferential  amounts,  if any,  to which such  holders are
           entitled  pursuant  to the  provisions  of Article 7E (c) below,  the
           holders of common  stock shall be entitled to receive,  ratably,  any
           remaining  assets of the Company.  A  consolidation  or merger of the
           Company  with any  other  corporation  or  corporations  shall not be
           deemed  to  be  a  liquidation,  dissolution,  winding  up,  sale  or
           distribution  of capital,  within the meaning of this clause,  but no
           such  consolidation  or merger shall in any way impair the rights and
           preferences of the preferred stock.

                      (e) So long as any  shares of the  preferred  stock of any
           series are  outstanding,  the Company shall not,  without the consent
           (given by vote at a meeting  called for that  purpose) of the holders
           of a majority of the total number of shares of the preferred stock of
           all  series  then  outstanding,  voting  as a class,  issue,  sell or
           otherwise  dispose of any additional  series of preferred stock or of

           any other class  ranking  prior to or on a parity with the  preferred
           stock as to dividends or  distributions,  unless (i) the stated value
           of common  stock and  surplus  earnings  on the books of the  Company
           shall  be  at  least  two  (2)  times  the  involuntary   liquidation
           preferences  of the entire  amount of preferred  stock of the Company
           already  issued and then  outstanding,  and the preferred  stock then
           proposed to be issued; and (ii) the earnings of the Company available
           for the payment of interest  determined in accordance  with generally
           accepted accounting  practices shall have been for a period of twelve
           (12)  consecutive  calendar  months  within the fifteen (15) calendar
           months  immediately  preceding the issuance of such additional stock,
           at  least  one  and  one-half   (1-1/2)  times  the  annual  interest
           requirements on all outstanding obligations for the payment of money,
           secured and unsecured,  of the Company maturing more than twelve (12)
           months  after the  issuance of the shares  proposed to be issued plus
           annual dividend  requirements upon all outstanding preferred stock of
           the Company and all other  classes of stock  ranking prior to or on a
           parity with the preferred  stock as to dividends  and  distributions,
           including the shares proposed to be issued, minus any interest on any
           such  obligations and dividends on any such  outstanding  stock to be
           retired or refunded out of the proceeds of the shares  proposed to be

                      (f) Except as otherwise required by law and subject to the
           provisions of subparagraph  (e) hereof,  no holder of preferred stock
           shall have any right to vote for the election of directors or for any
           other  purpose,   anything  in  ARTICLE  4  hereof  to  the  contrary
           notwithstanding; provided, however, that if and whenever dividends on
           the  preferred  stock  shall be in  arrears  and such  arrears  shall
           aggregate an amount at least equal to four (4)  quarterly  dividends,
           which need not be  consecutive,  then, in such event,  the holders of
           the outstanding  preferred stock of all series shall be entitled,  at
           the next ensuing annual meeting of  stockholders,  voting as a class,
           to elect two members (herein called  `preferred stock  directors') of
           the Board of Directors,  which  preferred stock directors shall be in
           addition  to the  directors  holding  office  pursuant  to  ARTICLE 4
           hereof;  provided,  however,  that if and  whenever  any such  fourth
           quarterly dividend  arrearage shall occur, the Company shall,  within
           fifteen (15) days after the receipt by the Company of written request
           of not less than  twenty-five  percent  (25%) of the  holders  of the
           outstanding  preferred  stock, as a class and irrespective of series,
           cause to be called a special  meeting of the  holders of  outstanding
           preferred stock of all series, to be held on the earliest practicable
           date,  to elect the preferred  stock  directors,  as  aforesaid.  For
           purposes of any such  election  such  holder or holders of  preferred
           stock as are present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum,
           irrespective of whether any holders of any other capital stock of the
           Company are present at such meeting. Any vacancy in the position of a
           preferred stock  director,  which,  but for this provision,  could be
           filled  by such  person as the Board of  Directors  might  designate,
           shall be filled by the Board of Directors  from among such persons as
           the remaining  preferred  stock  director shall  designate,  and such
           successor  shall  hold  office  for the  unexpired  term of the prior
           incumbent  and until his  successor  shall be duly  chosen  and shall

           qualify. Such right of the holders of the outstanding preferred stock
           to elect two members of the Board of Directors shall continue at each
           annual  meeting  until such time as all arrears of  dividends  on the
           preferred  stock shall have been paid and  dividends  thereon for the
           current  quarterly  period  shall  have  been  paid or  declared  and
           provided  for, in which event such right of the holders of  preferred
           stock  to  elect  preferred  stock  directors  as  provided  in  this
           subparagraph  (f) shall cease at the next ensuing  annual  meeting of
           stockholders,  subject always to the same  provisions for the vesting
           of such right in the case of any such future arrearages in dividends.

                      In any case in which the holders of preferred  stock shall
           be entitled to vote pursuant to the  provisions of this  subparagraph
           (f) or  pursuant  to law,  each  holder of  preferred  stock shall be
           entitled to one vote for each share thereof held.

         ARTICLE 7B. A first series of the Company's  preferred stock,,  without
nominal or par  value,  consisting  of 2,500  shares,  designated  as `$7 Series
Cumulative  Preferred  Stock'  was  created  and  established  and  each  of the
outstanding 2,500 shares of 7% Preferred Stock, $100 par value, was changed into
and thereby became a share of such first series.

         The preferences, rights, qualifications, limitations and restricting of
the shares of the $7 Series Cumulative Preferred Stock, in the respects in which
the shares of such  series  vary from  shares of other  series of the  preferred
stock, are and shall be as follows:

                      (a)  The  dividend  rate  for  the  $7  Series  Cumulative
           Preferred Stock shall be $7 per share per annum;

                      (b) The shares of the $7 Series Cumulative Preferred Stock
           shall not be subject to redemption.

                      (c)The preferential  amounts to which holders of shares of
           the $7 Series  Cumulative  Preferred Stock shall be entitled upon any
           liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up of  the  Company,  whether
           voluntary or otherwise,  or upon any  distribution  of the capital of
           the Company,  shall be $100 per share,  plus  accumulated  and unpaid
           dividends thereon;

                      (d) There shall not be any sinking fund  providing for the
           purchase  or  redemption  of  shares  of  the  $7  Series  Cumulative
           Preferred Stock; and

                      (e) The shares of the $7 Series Cumulative Preferred Stock
           shall not be convertible  into stock of any other class or classes or
           any one or more series of the same class or of another class.

           ARTICLE 7C. The Company  created and  established  a second series of
its preferred stock,  without nominal or par value, in an amount of ten thousand
(10,000)  shares,  which is  designated as `$4.75  Series  Cumulative  Preferred

           The preferences, rights, qualifications, limitations and restrictions
of the shares of the $4.75 Series Cumulative Preferred Stock, in the respects in
which  the  shares  of such  series  vary  from  shares  of other  series of the
Company's preferred stock, are and shall be as follows:

                      (a) The  dividend  rate for the  $4.75  Series  Cumulative
           Preferred Stock shall be $4.75 per share per annum:

                      (b) The redemption  price for the $4.75 Series  Cumulative
           Preferred Stock shall be $104.75 per share through  February 1, 1968,
           thereafter $104 per share through February 1, 1973;  thereafter $103,
           per share through February 1, 1978; thereafter $102 per share through
           February 1, 1983; thereafter $102 per share through February 1, 1988;
           and thereafter, $100 per share, plus accumulated and unpaid dividends
           thereon in any case;  provided,  however,  that prior to  February 1,
           1968,  none of the shares of such series shall be redeemed,  directly
           or  indirectly,  out of the proceeds of, or in  anticipation  of, any
           refunding  operation  involving the incurring of any  indebtedness or
           the sale of any class of stock ranking  senior to the common stock of
           the Company,  computed by the Company in  accordance  with  generally
           accepted accounting practice, of less than 4-3/4% per annum;

                     (c) The preferential  amounts to which holders of shares of
           the $4.75 Series  Cumulative  Preferred  Stock shall be entitled upon
           any liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the Company shall be:

                         (i)  Upon any  voluntary  liquidation,  dissolution  or
               winding up of the Company, the redemption price in effect at that
               time thereof; or

                         (ii) upon any involuntary  liquidation,  dissolution or
               winding up of the Company,  $100 per share plus  accumulated  and
               unpaid dividends thereon;

                      (d) There shall not be any sinking  fund  provided for the
           purchase  or  redemption  of shares of the  $4.75  Series  Cumulative
           Preferred Stock; and

                      (e) The shares of the $4.75  Series  Cumulative  Preferred
           Stock  shall not be  convertible  into  stock of any  other  class or
           classes  of any one or more  series of the same  class or of  another

         ARTICLE 7D. The Company  created and  established a fifth series of its
preferred  stock,  without  nominal  or par  value,  in an  original  amount  of
seventeen  thousand  (17,000) shares,  which is designated as `$7 Cumulative and
Convertible   Preferred  Stock.'  The  amount  of  such  shares  authorized  and
outstanding  from  time  to time  may be  reduced  by  periodic  redemption  and
cancellation of such shares by the Company, and the conversion of such shares at
the  election  of the holder  thereof  into the common  stock of the  Company as
expressly  permitted  under this Article 7D, without the ability to reissue such

         The preferences, rights, qualification, limitations and restrictions of
the shares of the $7 Cumulative and Convertible Preferred Stock, in the respects
in which the  shares of such  series  vary  from  shares of other  series of the
Company's preferred stock, are and shall be as follows:

                      (a)  The  dividend   rate  for  the  $7   Cumulative   and
           Convertible Preferred Stock shall be $7 per share per annum;

                      (b) the  redemption  price for any share of $7  Cumulative
           and  Convertible  Preferred  stock  shall be the  Closing  Price  (as
           defined below in this  article),  on the day the  Company's  Board of
           Directors  authorizes  such  redemption,   of  three  shares  of  the
           Company's  common  stock plus any  accumulated  and unpaid  dividends
           thereon;  provided,  that  prior  to  five  years  from  the  date of
           issuance,  none of the  shares  of such  series  shall  be  redeemed,
           directly or  indirectly,  out of the proceeds of, or in  anticipation
           of,  any   refunding   operation   involving  the  incurring  of  any
           indebtedness  or the sale of any class of stock ranking senior to the
           common stock of the Company  which  represents a cost of money to the
           Company,  computed  by  the  Company  in  accordance  with  generally
           accepted  accounting  practice,  of  less  than  $7  per  annum;  and
           provided,  further,  that,  notwithstanding any thing to the contrary
           herein,  the Board of Directors shall not redeem in any calendar year
           more than 10% of the $7 Cumulative and  Convertible  Preferred  Stock
           issued and outstanding on January 1 of such year.

                      (c) The preferential amounts to which holders of shares of
           the $7 Cumulative and  Convertible  Preferred Stock shall be entitled
           upon any liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the Company shall

                         (i)  Upon any  voluntary  liquidation,  dissolution  or
               winding up of the Company,  the redemption price in effect at the
               time thereof; or

                         (ii) Upon any involuntary  liquidation,  dissolution or
               winding up of the Company,  $100 per share plus  accumulated  and
               unpaid dividends thereon.

                      (d) There shall not be any sinking fund  providing for the
           purchase or redemption of shares of the $7 Cumulative and Convertible
           Preferred Stock.

                      (e) Unless  earlier  called for  redemption  in accordance
           with the  provisions  hereof,  each  share of the $7  Cumulative  and
           Convertible  Preferred  Stock shall be convertible at the election of
           the  holder  thereof  at any time  after  five years from the date of
           issuance of such share into:

                         (i) Shares of the Company's  common stock at the Common
                 Equivalent  Rate  in  effect  on the  date of  conversion  (the
                 "Conversion Date"); plus

                         (ii) The right to  receive  an amount in cash  equal to
                 all accrued and unpaid dividends on such share to and including
                 the  Conversion  Date,  whether or not  declared,  out of funds
                 legally available therefor.

           Any holder of shares of $7 Cumulative and Convertible Preferred Stock
           electing to convert such shares into shares of the  Company's  common
           stock shall  provide  written  notice to the Company of such holder's
           election to convert,  such notice to be  sufficient if contained in a
           postage-paid  envelope addressed and mailed to the Company.  The time
           of mailing of such notice  shall be deemed to be the date of delivery
           thereof. The holder's notice shall also include the following:

                         (i) The  conversion  Date,  which  shall be not earlier
                 than 45 days or later than 90 days from the date of delivery of
                 such notice;

                         (ii) A description  of the shares of $7 Cumulative  and
                 Convertible Preferred Stock to be converted;

                         (iii) The name or names in which such holder wishes the
                 Certificate or Certificates  for shares of the Company's common
                 stock to be issued; and

                         (iv) The holder's  agreement to be responsible  for the
                 reasonable  fees and expenses of the Company's  transfer  agent
                 related to such issuance of common stock upon conversion.

           Immediately  prior to the  effectiveness of a merger or consolidation
           of the  Company  that  results in the  conversion  or exchange of the
           common stock into, or the right to receive, other securities or other
           property  (whether  of the  Company  or any other  entity)  (any such
           merger or  consolidation  is  referred  to herein  as a  "Merger"  or
           "Consolidation")   each  outstanding   share  of  $7  Cumulative  and
           Convertible Preferred stock shall convert into:

                         (i) Shares of the Company's  common stock at the Common
                Equivalent  Rate in effect on the effective  date of a Merger or
                Consolidation; plus

                         (ii) The right to  receive  an amount of cash  equal to
                the accrued and unpaid  dividends on such share of $7 Cumulative
                and Convertible  Preferred Stock to and including the Settlement
                Date (and  dividends  shall cease to accrue as of the Settlement

           unless sooner redeemed.

                  The Common  Equivalent Rate to be used to determine the number
           of shares of the Company's  common stock to be delivered  pursuant to
           this article shall be initially three shares of the Company's  common
           stock  for each  share of $7  Cumulative  and  Convertible  Preferred
           Stock;  provided,  however, that such Common Equivalent Rate shall be
           subject  to  adjustment  from  time to time as  provided  below.  All
           adjustments to the Common  Equivalent Rate shall be calculated to the
           nearest 1/100th of a share of the Company's  common stock.  Such rate
           in effect any time is herein called the "Common Equivalent Rate."

                      (i)  If the Company shall either:

                                (1) pay a dividend or make a  distribution  with
                                    respect to its common stock, in either case,
                                    in shares of such common stock,
                                (2) subdivide or split its outstanding shares of
                                    common stock,
                                (3) combine  its  outstanding  shares  of common
                                    stock into a smaller number of shares, or
                                (4) issue by  reclassification  of its shares of
                                    common  stock any shares of common  stock of
                                    the Company,

           then,  in any  such  event,  the  Common  Equivalent  Rate in  effect
           immediately  prior thereto shall be adjusted so that the holders of a
           share of $7  Cumulative  and  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  shall be
           entitled to receive on the  conversion  of such share,  the number of
           shares of common  stock of the Company  which such holder  would have
           owned or been  entitled to receive  after the happening of any of the
           events   described   above  had  such  share  of  $7  Cumulative  and
           Convertible  Preferred  Stock been  surrendered for conversion at the
           Common Equivalent Rate in effect immediately prior to such time. Such
           adjustment  shall become  effective at the opening of business of the
           business  day next  following  the record date for  determination  of
           stockholders  entitled to receive such stock dividend or distribution
           in the case of a stock  dividend  or  distribution  and shall  become
           effective   immediately  after  the  effective  date  in  case  of  a
           subdivision,  split, combination or reclassification;  and any shares
           of the Company's common stock issuable in payment of a dividend shall
           be  deemed  to have  been  issued  immediately  prior to the close of
           business  on the  record  date  for such  dividend  for  purposes  of
           calculating the number of outstanding  shares of the Company's common
           stock under clauses (ii) and (iii) below.

                   (ii) If the  Company  shall  issue  rights or warrants to all
           holders  of its  common  stock  entitling  them to  subscribe  for or
           purchase  shares of the  Company's  common stock at a price per share
           less than the Current Market Price per share  (determined as provided
           below) of the common  stock of the Company on the record date for the
           determination  of  stockholders  entitled  to receive  such rights or
           warrants,  then in each  case the  Common  Equivalent  Rate  shall be
           adjusted  by  multiplying  the  Common   Equivalent  Rate  in  effect
           immediately prior thereto by a fraction, of which the numerator shall
           be the number of shares of the Company's common stock  outstanding on
           the date of issuance of such rights or warrants, immediately prior to
           such  issuance,  plus the number of  additional  shares of its common
           stock  offered  for  subscription  or  purchase,  and  of  which  the
           denominator  shall be the  number of  shares  of common  stock of the
           Company  outstanding  on the  date  of  issuance  of such  rights  or
           warrants,  immediately  prior to such  issuance,  plus the  number of
           shares  which the  aggregate  offering  price of the total  number of
           shares so offered for subscription or purchase would purchase at such
           Current Market Price  (determined by multiplying such total number of
           shares by the exercise  price of such rights or warrants and dividing
           the product so  obtained by such  Current  Market  Price).  Shares of
           common  stock of the  Company  owned  by the  Company  or by  another
           company of which a majority  of the  shares  entitled  to vote in the
           election  of  directors  are held,  directly  or  indirectly,  by the
           Company  shall not be deemed to be  outstanding  for purposes of such
           computation. Such adjustment shall become effective at the opening of
           business on the business day next  following  the record date for the
           determination  of  stockholders  entitled  to receive  such rights or
           warrants. To the extent that shares of the Company's common stock are
           not delivered  after the  expiration of such rights or warrants,  the
           Common  Equivalent Rate shall be readjusted to the Common  Equivalent
           Rate which would then be in effect had the adjustments  made upon the
           issuance  of such  rights  or  warrants  been  made upon the basis of
           delivery  of only the  number  of shares  of  Common  Stock  actually

                   (iii)  If  the  Company  shall  pay  a  dividend  or  make  a
           distribution  to all  holders of its common  stock of evidence of its
           indebtedness  or other assets  (including  shares of capital stock of
           the Company but excluding  any cash  dividends or  distributions  and
           dividends  referred to in clause (I) above),  or shall  distribute to
           all holders of its common stock  rights or warrants to subscribe  for
           or purchase  securities of the Company  (other than those referred to
           in clause (ii) above),  then in each such case the Common  Equivalent
           Rate shall be adjusted by multiplying  the Common  Equivalent Rate in
           effect  immediately  prior  to the  date  of such  distribution  by a
           fraction,  of which the numerator  shall be the Current  Market Price
           per share of the  Company's  common  stock  (determined  pursuant  to
           clause (v) below) on the record date  mentioned  below,  and of which
           the  denominator  shall be such Current Market Price per share of the
           Company's  common stock less the fair market value (as  determined by
           the Board of Directors of the Company,  whose  determination shall be
           conclusive)  as of such  record  date of the portion of the assets or
           evidences of  indebtedness so  distributed,  or of such  subscription
           rights or  warrants,  applicable  to one share of the common stock of
           the Company. Such adjustment shall become effective on the opening of
           business on the business day next  following  the record date for the
           determination of stockholders entitled to receive such distribution.

                   (iv)  Anything in this article  notwithstanding,  the Company
           shall be  entitled  to make such  upward  adjustments  in the  Common
           Equivalent  Rate, in addition to those  required by this article,  as
           the Company in its  discretion  shall  determine to be advisable,  in
           order that any stock dividends,  subdivision of shares,  distribution
           of rights to  purchase  stock or  securities,  or a  distribution  of
           securities  convertible  into  or  exchangeable  for  stock  (or  any
           transaction   which  would  be  treated  as  any  of  the   foregoing
           transactions  pursuant to Section 305 of the Internal Revenue Code of
           1986, as amended)  hereafter made by the Company to its  stockholders
           shall not be taxable.

                   (v) As used in this  article,  the Current  Market  Price per
           share of the Company's  common stock on any date shall be the average
           of the daily Closing  Prices for the five  consecutive  Trading Dates
           ending on and  including  the date of  determination  of the  Current
           Market  Price  (appropriately  adjusted  to  take  into  account  the
           occurrence  during such five-day  period of any event that results in
           an adjustment of the Common Equivalent Rate).

                   (vi) In any case in which this article  shall require that an
           adjustment  as a result of any event become  effective at the opening
           of business on the business day next  following a record date and the
           date fixed for  conversion  occurs after such record date, but before
           the occurrence of such event,  the Company may in its sole discretion
           elect to defer  paying to such holder any amount in cash in lieu of a
           fractional  share of common stock of the  Company,  pursuance to this

                             Whenever the Common  Equivalent Rate is adjusted as
               herein provided, the Company shall:

                             (i) forthwith    compute   the   adjusted    Common
                                 Equivalent Rate in accordance with this article
                                 and prepare a  certificate  signed by the Chief
                                 Executive Officer, the Chairman, the President,
                                 any  Vice  President  or the  Treasurer  of the
                                 Company   setting  forth  the  adjusted  Common
                                 Equivalent  Rate,  the  method  of  calculation
                                 thereof  in  reasonable  detail  and the  facts
                                 requiring  such  adjustment and upon which such
                                 adjustment is based,  and file such certificate
                                 forthwith with the transfer agent or agents for
                                 the $7  Cumulative  and  Convertible  Preferred
                                 Stock and the Company's common stock; and

                             (ii)mail  a  notice   stating   that   the   Common
                                 Equivalent  Rate has been  adjusted,  the facts
                                 requiring  such  adjustment and upon which such
                                 adjustment  is  based  and  setting  forth  the
                                 adjusted Common  Equivalent Rate to the holders
                                 of record of the  outstanding  shares of the $7
                                 Cumulative and  Convertible  Preferred Stock at
                                 or  prior  to the  time  the  Company  mails an
                                 interim statement to its stockholders  covering
                                 the  quarterly-yearly  period  during which the
                                 facts requiring such adjustment  occurred,  but
                                 in any event  within 45 days of the end of such
                                 quarterly-yearly period.

No  fractional  shares  of the  Company's  common  stock  shall be  issued  upon
redemption  or  conversion  of  shares  of the  $7  Cumulative  and  Convertible
Preferred Stock but, in lieu of any fraction of a share of the Company's  common
stock which would  otherwise be issuable in respect of the  aggregate  number of
shares of the $7 Cumulative and Convertible  Preferred Stock  surrendered by the
same holder for redemption or conversion on any  redemption or conversion  date,
the holders  shall have the right to receive an amount in cash equal to the same
fraction of the Closing Price.

The term  "Closing  Price" on any day shall mean the closing sale price  regular
way on such day or,  in the case no such  sale  takes  place  on such  day,  the
average  closing bid and asked  prices of the common stock of the Company on the
over-the-  counter  market on the day in question  as  reported by the  National
Quotation  Bureau  Incorporated for National Market  Securities,  or a similarly
generally accepted  reporting service,  or if not so available in such manner as
furnished by an New York Stock  Exchange  member firm selected from time to time
by the Board of Directors of the Company for that  purpose;  provided,  however,
that if the Closing Price of the Company's common stock is to be determined with
respect to the redemption of shares of $7 Cumulative and  Convertible  Preferred
Stock at any time on or before  five  years  from the date of  issuance  of such
shares of $7 Cumulative  and  Convertible  Preferred  Stock,  such Closing Price
shall not be less than $26.00 per share.

The term "Current  Market Price" per share of the Company's  common stock on any
date shall be the average of the daily Closing  Prices for the five  consecutive
Trading Dates ending on and including the date of  determination  of the Current
Market Price (appropriately  adjusted to take into account the occurrence during
such  five-day  period of any event that results in an  adjustment of the Common
Equivalent Rate).

The term "Settlement Date" shall mean with respect to a Merger or Consolidation,
the  business  day  immediately  prior to the  effective  date of the  Merger or

The term "Trading  Date" shall mean a date on which the New York Stock  Exchange
(or any successor exchange) is open for the transaction of business.

                   (f) Notwithstanding anything in this article to the contrary,
         the Common  Equivalent Rate shall not be adjusted due to or as a result
         of the issuance or  distribution to all of the holders of the Company's
         common stock of any common stock, right or warrant (i) under or as part
         of the Company's dividend  reinvestment plan (as presently in existence
         or as  hereafter  amended)  or (ii)  under  or as part of any  employee
         benefit  plan of the Company (as  presently  in  existence or hereafter
         adopted). In addition,  notwithstanding anything in this article to the
         contrary, the Common Equivalent Rate shall not be adjusted due to or as
         a result of the issuance or  distribution  to any or all of the holders
         of  the  Company's  common  stock  of  any  right,  warrant,   security
         convertible into common stock or other security  (sometimes referred to
         collectively as  "Shareholder  Rights  Securities")  which is issued or
         distributed  by the  Company  to deter the  occurrence  of any  merger,
         consolidation  or other business  combination with a third party and/or
         to obtain for the holders of common  stock of the Company a value which
         the Company  believes is fair in such a merger,  consolidation or other
         business combination, so long as either (1) to extent permitted by law,
         all  holders  of the $7  Cumulative  and  Convertible  Preferred  Stock
         receive the same Shareholder Rights Securities pro rata (based upon the
         number  of shares  of the  Company's  common  stock  into  which the $7
         Cumulative and  Convertible  Preferred  Stock is convertible on the day
         prior to issuance or distribution of the Shareholder Rights Securities)
         or (2) each  share of the  Company's  common  stock  into  which the $7
         Cumulative and  Convertible  Preferred Stock is converted in connection
         with any such merger,  consolidation  or other business  combination of
         the Company receives its pro rata entitlement of any Shareholder Rights
         Securities immediately upon conversion.

    ARTICLE  7E. The  Company  created  and  established  a sixth  series of its
    preferred  stock,  without  nominal or par value,  in an original  amount of
    twenty thousand  (20,000) shares,  which is designated as "$8 Cumulative and
    Convertible   Preferred   Stock."  The  amount  of  such  shares  authorized
    outstanding from time to time may be reduced by periodic  conversion of such
    shares at the  election of the holder  thereof  into the common stock of the
    Company as expressly permitted under this Article 7E, without the ability to
    reissue such shares.

         The preferences, rights, qualification, limitations and restrictions of
     the shares of the $8 Cumulative and  Convertible  Preferred  Stock,  in the
     respects  in which the  shares  of such  series  vary from  shares of other
     series of the Company's preferred stock, are and shall be as follows:

                  (a) The dividend  rate for the $8 Cumulative  and  Convertible
          Preferred Stock shall be $8 per share per annum;

                  (b) The shares of the $8 Cumulative and Convertible  Preferred
          Stock shall not be subject to redemption.

                   (c) The  preferential  amounts to which  holders of shares of
           the $8 Cumulative and  Convertible  Preferred Stock shall be entitled
           upon any  liquidation,  dissolution,  or  winding  up of the  Company
           whether  voluntary  or  otherwise,  or upon any  distribution  of the
           capital of the Company, shall be $120 per share, plus accumulated and
           unpaid dividends thereon:

                    (d)  Each  share  of  the  $8  Cumulative  and   Convertible
           Preferred  Stock shall be  convertible  at the election of the holder
           thereof at any time or from time to time within  seven years from the
           date of issuance of such share into:

                             (i)  Shares of the  Company's  common  stock at the
                          Common  Equivalent  Rate  in  effect  on the  date  of
                          conversion (the "Conversion Date"); plus

                              (ii) The right to  receive an amount in cash equal
                           to all accrued and unpaid  dividends on such share to
                           and including  the  Conversion  Date,  whether or not
                           declared, out of funds legally available therefor.

          Any holder of shares of $8 Cumulative and Convertible  Preferred Stock
          electing to convert  such shares into shares of the  Company's  common
          stock shall  provide  written  notice to the Company of such  holder's
          election to convert,  such notice to be  sufficient  if contained in a
          postage-paid envelope addressed and mailed to the Company. The time of
          mailing  of such  notice  shall be deemed  to be the date of  delivery
          thereof. The holder's notice shall also include the following:

                              (i)  The  Conversion  Date,  which  shall  be  not
                           earlier  than 45 days or later  than 90 days from the
                           date of delivery of such notice;

                              (ii) A description  of the shares of $8 Cumulative
                           and Convertible Preferred Stock to be converted;

                              (iii)  The  name or names  in  which  such  holder
                           wishes the Certificate or Certificates  for shares of
                           the Company's common stock to be issued; and

                              (iv) The holder's  agreement to be responsible for
                           the  reasonable  fees and  expenses of the  Company's
                           transfer  agent  related to such  issuance  of common
                           stock upon conversion.

                  (e) Each share of the $8 Cumulative and Convertible  Preferred
             Stock shall be  convertible  at the  election of the Company at any
             time or from  time to time  after  seven  years  from  the  date of
             issuance of such share into:

                              (i) Shares of the  Company's  common  stock at the
                           Common  Equivalent  Rate  in  effect  on the  date of
                           conversion (the Conversion Date); plus

                               (ii) The right to receive an amount in cash equal
                           to all accrued and unpaid  dividends on such share to
                           and including  the  Conversion  Date,  whether or not
                           declared, out of funds legally available therefor.

          If the  Company  elects to  convert  such  shares  into  shares of the
          Company's  common stock it shall provide written notice to the holders
          of $8  Cumulative  and  Convertible  Preferred  Stock of the Company's
          election to convert,  such notice to be  sufficient  if contained in a
          postage-paid  envelope  addressed  and  mailed to the  holders  at the
          address of the holders last shown on the records of the  Company.  The
          time of  mailing  of such  notice  shall be  deemed  to be the date of
          delivery  thereof.   The  Company's  notice  shall  also  include  the

                                (i) The  Conversion  Date,  which  shall  be not
                             earlier than 45 days or later than 90 days from the
                             date of such notice;

                               (ii) A description of the shares of $8 Cumulative
                             and Convertible Preferred Stock to be converted;

                               (iii) A  request  for the names or names in which
                             such holder wishes the  Certificate or Certificates
                             for  shares  of the  Company's  common  stock to be
                             issued; and

                               (iv) The  Company's  agreement to be  responsible
                             for  the  reasonable   fees  and  expenses  of  the
                             Company's  transfer  agent related to such issuance
                             of common stock upon conversion.

           Immediately  prior to the  effectiveness of a merger or consolidation
           of the  Company  that  results in the  conversion  or exchange of the
           common stock into, or the right to receive, other securities or other
           property  (whether  of the  Company  or any other  entity)  (any such
           merger or  consolidation  is  referred  to herein  as a  "Merger"  or
           "Consolidation")   each  outstanding   share  of  $8  Cumulative  and
           Convertible Preferred stock shall convert into:

                                 (i) Shares of the Company's common stock at the
                              Common  Equivalent Rate in effect on the effective
                              date of a Merger or Consolidation;  plus the right
                              to receive an amount of cash equal to the  accrued
                              and   unpaid   dividends   on  such  share  of  $8
                              Cumulative and Convertible  Preferred Stock to and
                              including the Settlement Date (and dividends shall
                              cease to accrue as of the Settlement Date).

             The Common  Equivalent  Rate to be used to determine  the number of
             shares of the  Company's  common stock to be delivered  pursuant to
             this  article  shall be  initially  6.857  shares of the  Company's
             common  stock  for each  share  of $8  Cumulative  and  Convertible
             Preferred Stock;  provided,  however,  that such Common  Equivalent
             Rate shall be subject to  adjustment  from time to time as provided
             below.  All  adjustments  to the  Common  Equivalent  Rate shall be
             calculated  to the  nearest  1/100th  of a share  of the  Company's
             common stock.  Such rate in effect at any time is herein called the
             "Common Equivalent Rate."

                                (i)  If the Company shall either:

                                        (1)   pay   a   dividend   or   make   a
                                        distribution  with respect to its common
                                        stock, in either case, in shares of such
                                        common stock, (2) subdivide or split its
                                        outstanding  shares of common stock, (3)
                                        combine its outstanding shares of common
                                        stock  into a smaller  number of shares,
                                        or (4) issue by  reclassification of its
                                        shares  of common  stock  any  shares of
                                        common  stock of the Company,  then,  in
                                        any such  event,  the Common  Equivalent
                                        Rate in effect immediately prior thereto
                                        shall be adjusted so that the holders of
                                        a share of $8 Cumulative and Convertible
                                        Preferred  Stock  shall be  entitled  to
                                        receive on the conversion of such share,
                                        the number of shares of common  stock of
                                        the Company which such holder would have
                                        owned or been  entitled to receive after
                                        the  happening  of  any  of  the  events
                                        described  above  had  such  share of $8
                                        Cumulative  and  Convertible   Preferred
                                        Stock been surrendered for conversion at
                                        the  Common  Equivalent  Rate in  effect
                                        immediately  prior  to such  time.  Such
                                        adjustment shall become effective at the
                                        opening of business of the  business day
                                        next   following  the  record  date  for
                                        determination  of stockholders  entitled
                                        to  receive   such  stock   dividend  or
                                        distribution  in  the  case  of a  stock
                                        dividend  or   distribution   and  shall
                                        become effective  immediately  after the
                                        effective date in case of a subdivision,
                                        split,  combination or reclassification;
                                        and any shares of the  Company's  common
                                        stock  issuable in payment of a dividend
                                        shall  be  deemed  to have  been  issued
                                        immediately   prior  to  the   close  of
                                        business  on the  record  date  for such
                                        dividend for purposes of calculating the
                                        number  of  outstanding  shares  of  the
                                        Company's  common  stock  under  clauses
                                        (ii) and (iii) below.

                               (ii)  If  the  Company   shall  issue  rights  or
                             warrants  to  all  holders  of  its  common   stock
                             entitling them to subscribe for or purchase  shares
                             of the Company's  common stock at a price per share
                             less  than  the  Current  Market  Price  per  share
                             (determined as provided  below) of the common stock
                             of  the   Company  on  the  record   date  for  the
                             determination  of stockholders  entitled to receive
                             such  rights  or  warrants,  then in each  case the
                             Common   Equivalent   Rate  shall  be  adjusted  by
                             multiplying  the Common  Equivalent  Rate in effect

                             immediately  prior thereto by a fraction,  of which
                             the numerator  shall be the number of shares of the
                             Company's  common stock  outstanding on the date of
                             issuance  of such rights or  warrants,  immediately
                             prior  to  such   issuance,   plus  the  number  of
                             additional  shares of its common stock  offered for
                             subscription   or   purchase,   and  of  which  the
                             denominator shall be the number of shares of common
                             stock  of the  Company  outstanding  on the date of
                             issuance  of such rights or  warrants,  immediately
                             prior to such  issuance,  plus the number of shares
                             which  the  aggregate  offering  price of the total
                             number of shares so  offered  for  subscription  or
                             purchase  would  purchase  at such  Current  Market
                             Price  (determined by multiplying such total number
                             of shares by the  exercise  price of such rights or
                             warrants  and  dividing  the product so obtained by
                             such Current Market Price).  Shares of common stock
                             of the  Company  owned by the Company or by another
                             company of which a majority of the shares  entitled
                             to vote in the  election  of  directors  are  held,
                             directly or indirectly, by the Company shall not be
                             deemed  to be  outstanding  for  purposes  of  such
                             computation. Such adjustment shall become effective
                             at the opening of business on the business day next
                             following the record date for the  determination of
                             stockholders  entitled  to receive  such  rights or
                             warrants.   To  the  extent   that  shares  of  the
                             Company's  common stock are not delivered after the
                             expiration  of such rights or warrants,  the Common
                             Equivalent  Rate shall be  readjusted to the Common
                             Equivalent  Rate which  would then be in effect had
                             the  adjustments  made  upon the  issuance  of such
                             rights  or  warrants  been  made  upon the basis of
                             delivery  of only the  number  of  shares of Common
                             Stock actually delivered.

                               (iii) If the Company shall pay a dividend or make
                             a  distribution  to all holders of its common stock
                             of evidence  of its  indebtedness  or other  assets
                             (including  shares of capital  stock of the Company
                             but excluding any cash  dividends or  distributions
                             and dividends  referred to in clause (I) above), or
                             shall distribute to all holders of its common stock
                             rights or  warrants  to  subscribe  for or purchase
                             securities   of  the  Company   (other  than  those
                             referred  to in clause  (ii)  above),  then in each
                             such  case  the  Common  Equivalent  Rate  shall be
                             adjusted by multiplying the Common  Equivalent Rate
                             in  effect  immediately  prior  to the date of such
                             distribution by a fraction,  of which the numerator
                             shall be the Current  Market Price per share of the
                             Company's  common  stock  (determined  pursuant  to

                             clause  (v)  below) on the  record  date  mentioned
                             below,  and of which the denominator  shall be such
                             Current  Market  Price per  share of the  Company's
                             common   stock  less  the  fair  market  value  (as
                             determined   by  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
                             Company,  whose  determination shall be conclusive)
                             as of such record date of the portion of the assets
                             or evidences of indebtedness so distributed,  or of
                             such subscription rights or warrants, applicable to
                             one share of the common stock of the Company.  Such
                             adjustment shall become effective on the opening of
                             business on the  business  day next  following  the
                             record date for the  determination  of stockholders
                             entitled to receive such distribution.

                               (iv)  Anything in this  article  notwithstanding,
                             the  Company  shall be entitled to make such upward
                             adjustments  in  the  Common  Equivalent  Rate,  in
                             addition to those required by this article,  as the
                             Company in its  discretion  shall  determine  to be
                             advisable,  in  order  that  any  stock  dividends,
                             subdivision  of shares,  distribution  of rights to
                             purchase stock or securities,  or a distribution of
                             securities  convertible  into or  exchangeable  for
                             stock (or any transaction which would be treated as
                             any  of  the  foregoing  transactions  pursuant  to
                             Section 305 of the  Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,
                             as  amended)  hereafter  made by the Company to its
                             stockholders shall not be taxable.

                                (v) As used in this article,  the Current Market
                              Price per share of the  Company's  common stock on
                              any date shall be the average of the daily Closing
                              Prices  for the  five  consecutive  Trading  Dates
                              ending on and including the date of  determination
                              of  the  Current   Market   Price   (appropriately
                              adjusted  to  take  into  account  the  occurrence
                              during  such  five-day  period of any  event  that
                              results in an adjustment of the Common  Equivalent

                                 (vi) In any case in which  this  article  shall
                              require  that an  adjustment  as a  result  of any
                              event become  effective at the opening of business
                              on the business  day next  following a record date
                              and the date  fixed for  conversion  occurs  after
                              such record  date,  but before the  occurrence  of
                              such event, the Company may in its sole discretion
                              elect to defer paying to such holder any amount in
                              cash in lieu of a fractional share of common stock
                              of the Company, pursuance to this article.

                   Whenever  the Common  Equivalent  Rate is  adjusted as herein
                provided, the Company shall:

                                (i)  forthwith   compute  the  adjusted   Common
                              Equivalent  Rate in  accordance  with this article
                              and  prepare  a  certificate  signed  by the Chief
                              Executive  Officer,  the Chairman,  the President,
                              any Vice President or the Treasurer of the Company
                              setting forth the adjusted Common Equivalent Rate,
                              the method of  calculation  thereof in  reasonable
                              detail and the facts requiring such adjustment and
                              upon which such adjustment is based, and file such
                              certificate  forthwith  with the transfer agent or
                              agents  for  the  $8  Cumulative  and  Convertible
                              Preferred  Stock and the  Company's  common stock;

                               (ii)  mail  a  notice  stating  that  the  Common
                             Equivalent  Rate  has  been  adjusted,   the  facts
                             requiring  such  adjustment  and  upon  which  such
                             adjustment  is based and setting forth the adjusted
                             Common  Equivalent Rate to the holders of record of
                             the  outstanding  shares of the $8  Cumulative  and
                             Convertible Preferred Stock at or prior to the time
                             the  Company  mails  an  interim  statement  to its
                             stockholders  covering the quarterly-yearly  period
                             during which the facts  requiring  such  adjustment
                             occurred,  but in any  event  within 45 days of the
                             end of such quarterly-yearly period.

      No fractional  shares of the  Company's  common stock shall be issued upon
      redemption or conversion  of shares of the $8 Cumulative  and  Convertible
      Preferred  Stock but, in lieu of any fraction of a share of the  Company's
      common stock which would otherwise be issuable in respect of the aggregate
      number of shares of the $8  Cumulative  and  Convertible  Preferred  Stock
      surrendered  by the  same  holder  for  redemption  or  conversion  on any
      redemption or conversion date, the holders shall have the right to receive
      an amount in cash equal to the same fraction of the Closing Price.

      The term  "Closing  Price" on any day shall  mean the  closing  sale price
      regular  way on such day or, in the case no such sale takes  place on such
      day,  the average  closing bid and asked prices of the common stock of the
      Company on the over-the-counter  market on the day in question as reported
      by  the  National  Quotation  Bureau   Incorporated  for  National  Market
      Securities, or a similarly generally accepted reporting service, or if not
      so available  in such manner as  furnished  by an New York Stock  Exchange
      member firm  selected  from time to time by the Board of  Directors of the
      Company for that purpose.

      The term "Current Market Price" per share of the Company's common stock on
      any date  shall be the  average of the daily  Closing  Prices for the five
      consecutive   Trading   Dates  ending  on  and   including   the  date  of
      determination of the Current Market Price (appropriately  adjusted to take
      into account the occurrence  during such five-day period of any event that
      results in an adjustment of the Common Equivalent Rate).

      The term  "Settlement  Date"  shall  mean  with  respect  to a  Merger  or
      Consolidation, the business day immediately prior to the effective date of
      the Merger or Consolidation.

      The term  "Trading  Date"  shall  mean a date on which the New York  Stock
      Exchange  (or any  successor  exchange)  is open  for the  transaction  of

                      (f)  Notwithstanding  anything  in  this  article  to  the
               contrary, the Common Equivalent Rate shall not be adjusted due to
               or as a result  of the  issuance  or  distribution  to all of the
               holders of the Company's common stock of any common stock,  right
               or  warrant  (i)  under  or as  part  of the  Company's  dividend
               reinvestment  plan (as  presently  in  existence  or as hereafter
               amended) or (ii) under or as part of any employee benefit plan of
               the Company (as presently in existence or hereafter adopted).  In
               addition,   notwithstanding  anything  in  this  article  to  the
               contrary, the Common Equivalent Rate shall not be adjusted due to
               or as a result of the issuance or  distribution  to any or all of
               the holders of the Company's common stock of any right,  warrant,
               security   convertible   into  common  stock  or  other  security
               (sometimes   referred  to  collectively  as  "Shareholder  Rights
               Securities")  which is issued or  distributed  by the  Company to
               deter  the  occurrence  of any  merger,  consolidation  or  other
               business  combination with a third party and/or to obtain for the
               holders of common  stock of the Company a value which the Company
               believes  is  fair  in  such a  merger,  consolidation  or  other
               business  combination,  so long as either (1) to extent permitted
               by  law,  all  holders  of  the  $8  Cumulative  and  Convertible
               Preferred Stock receive the same  Shareholder  Rights  Securities
               pro rata (based upon the number of shares of the Company's common
               stock  into which the $8  Cumulative  and  Convertible  Preferred
               Stock is convertible on the day prior to issuance or distribution
               of the  Shareholder  Rights  Securities) or (2) each share of the
               Company's   common  stock  into  which  the  $8  Cumulative   and
               Convertible  Preferred  Stock is converted in connection with any
               such merger,  consolidation or other business  combination of the
               Company  receives  its pro rata  entitlement  of any  Shareholder
               Rights Securities immediately upon conversion.

    ARTICLE 7F. The  preference  stock  shall be  issuable  from time to time in
    series with such designations, descriptions and terms thereof, in the manner
    and to the extent  permitted by the laws of the State of New Jersey,  as may
    be determined and fixed by the Board of Directors, subject to the provisions
    of subparagraph (f) below, as the time of the creation and  establishment of
    any such series of preference  stock.  All of the shares of preference stock
    of each  series  shall rank pari passu with all of the shares of  preference
    stock of each other series,  and shall have the same rights and  privileges,
    preferences and voting powers and shall be subject to the same  restrictions
    or qualifications  thereof,  without  distinction  between the shares of the
    respective  series except only as to variations in (i) the rates of dividend
    payable thereon, (ii) the terms on which shares of the respective series may
    be  redeemed,  (iii) the amount which shall be paid to the holders of shares
    of the  respective  series in case of  dissolution  or any  distribution  of
    assets,  (iv) voting rights, if any, (v) the terms or amounts of any sinking
    fund  provided for the  purchase or  redemption  thereof,  (vi) the terms on
    which the  holders of shares of the  respective  series may convert the same
    into stock of any other class or classes or of any one or more series of the
    same class or of another class or classes, and (vii) in such other respects,
    if any,  as may at the time be  permitted  by the  laws of the  State of New

                      (a) The holders of preference  stock  irrespective  of the
                  series  thereof shall be entitled to receive,  and the Company
                  shall be obligated  to pay,  when and as declared by the Board
                  of Directors of the Company and subject to the  provisions  of
                  subparagraph   (f)  below,   cumulative   dividends   at  such
                  respective  rates as may be fixed by the Board of Directors of
                  the Company at the time of the creation and  establishment  of
                  the respective  series,  and no more, payable quarterly on the
                  first date of March, June,  September,  and December,  of each
                  year.  Such dividends  shall  accumulate  from the date of the
                  original issue of each share of such  preference  stock.  Such
                  dividends  shall be payable  before any dividend shall be paid
                  upon  or  set  apart  for  the  common  stock,  and  shall  be
                  cumulative, so that if at any time dividends at the rate fixed
                  by the Board of Directors and  designated by the  certificates
                  of  shares of the  series  of which it is a part  shall not be
                  paid thereon or set apart  therefor,  the deficiency  shall be
                  fully paid or set apart for payment  before any dividend shall
                  be paid  upon or set  apart for the  common  stock.  Dividends
                  shall not be paid  exclusively  upon any one or more series of
                  preference  stock but dividends shall be paid ratably upon all
                  outstanding  preference  stock  in the  proportions  that  the
                  annual dividend requirements of each series bears to the total
                  annual dividend  requirements  of all  outstanding  preference
                  stock.   Whenever  all  cumulative  unpaid  dividends  on  the
                  preference stock,  including the current  quarterly  dividend,
                  shall have been fully paid or set apart for payment, the Board
                  of  Directors  may  declare  and pay  dividends  on the common

                        (b) The  preference  stock of one or more  series may be
                  subject to redemption, in which case such preference stock may
                  be deemed and retired in whole,  or in part, from time to time
                  at any time on any  quarterly  dividend  date at the option of
                  the Company at such  redemption  prices as may be fixed by the
                  Board  of   Directors   at  the  time  of  the   creation  and
                  establishment  thereof;  provided,  however, that all stock of
                  any  particular   series  shall  be  redeemable  at  the  same
                  redemption   price.   The  time,  place  and  manner  of  such
                  redemption  shall  be  in  the  discretion  of  the  Board  of
                  Directors  of the Company.  Preference  stock which shall have
                  been  redeemed  shall not be reissued,  and the Company  shall
                  have from time to time cause all such  shares to be retired in
                  the  manner   provided  by  law.  If  less  than  all  of  the
                  outstanding  shares of preference  stock subject to redemption
                  are to be called for redemption, redemption may be made of any
                  one or more series, or redemption may be made of less than all
                  of the  outstanding  shares of any one or more series,  in the
                  discretion  of the  Board of  Directors,  and if less than all
                  outstanding  shares  of any  series  are to be  redeemed,  the
                  shares to be redeemed  shall be  determined  in such manner as
                  may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.  Redemption shall
                  be made,  however,  only on at least  thirty  (30) days' prior
                  written  notice to the  holders of the  shares to be  redeemed
                  which notice shall be  sufficient  if contained in a post-paid

                  envelope  addressed and mailed to the holder at his address or
                  record as shown by the books of the  Company,  and the time of
                  mailing such notice shall be deemed to be the time of delivery
                  thereof.  From and after the date fixed in any such  notice as
                  the date of  redemption  (unless  default shall be made by the
                  Company in providing  monies for the payment of the redemption
                  price,   pursuant  to  such  notice)  all   dividends  on  the
                  preference  stock thereby called for redemption shall cease to
                  accrue and all rights of the holders  thereof as  stockholders
                  of the  Company,  except the right to receive  the  redemption
                  price  upon  surrender  of the  certificates  of stock by such
                  holders, shall cease and determine.

                        (c) Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (f) below,
                  the  holders  of each  series  of  preference  stock  shall be
                  entitled  to receive  payment out of the assets of the Company
                  whether from capital or from earnings,  in an amount per share
                  determined  and fixed by the Board of Directors at the time of
                  the creation and  establishment  of such series of  preference
                  stock,   in  the  event  of  (i)  a   voluntary   liquidation,
                  dissolution  or  winding up of the  Company or of a  voluntary
                  sale of all or substantially  all of the assets of the Company
                  or upon any voluntary  distribution of its capital, or (ii) an
                  involuntary  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up of the
                  Company or an involuntary sale of all or substantially  all of
                  the   assets  of  the   Company,   or  upon  any   involuntary
                  distribution of its capital,  before any payment shall be made
                  or any assets  distributed to the holders of common stock.  If
                  upon such liquidation, dissolution, winding up, sale of assets
                  or  distribution  of the  capital  among  the  holders  of the
                  preference  stock shall be  insufficient to permit the payment
                  to such holders of the full  preferential  amounts  aforesaid,
                  then the entire assets of the Company to be distributed  shall
                  be  distributed  ratably  among the holders of the  preference
                  stock in proportion to the full preferential  amounts, if any,
                  to which they are  respectively  entitled as aforesaid.  After
                  payment or  distribution  of the assets of the Company ratably
                  among the holders of preferred  stock in  accordance  with the
                  provisions of Article 7A (d) and after payment or distribution
                  of  remaining  assets,  if any, to the  holders of  preference
                  stock as  provided  in this  paragraph,  the holders of common
                  stock shall be entitled to  receive,  ratably,  any  remaining
                  assets  of the  Company.  A  consolidation  or  merger  of the
                  Company with any other  corporation or corporations  shall not
                  be deemed to be a liquidation,  dissolution,  winding up, sale
                  or distribution of capital, within the meaning of this clause,
                  but no such  consolidation  or merger  shall in any way impair
                  the rights and preferences of the preference stock.

                        (d) So long as any shares of the preference stock of any
                  series are  outstanding,  the Company  shall not,  without the
                  consent  (given by vote at a meeting  called for that purpose)
                  of the holders of a majority of the total  number of shares of
                  the preference stock of all series then outstanding, voting as
                  a class,  issue,  sell or otherwise  dispose of any additional
                  series  of   preference   stock  ranking  prior  to  with  the
                  preference stock as to dividends or distributions,  unless (i)

                 the stated value of common  stock and surplus  earnings on the
                  books  of the  Company  shall be at least  two (2)  times  the
                  involuntary  liquidation  preferences  of the entire amount of
                  preference  stock  of the  Company  already  issued  and  then
                  outstanding,  and the  additional  stock then  proposed  to be
                  issued; and (ii) the earnings of the Company available for the
                  payment of interest  determined in accordance  with  generally
                  accepted accounting  practices shall have been for a period of
                  twelve (12)  consecutive  calendar  months  within the fifteen
                  (15)calendar months immediately preceding the issuance of such
                  additional  stock, at least one and one-half (1-1/2) times the
                  annual interest  requirements  on all outstanding  obligations
                  for the  payment  of  money,  secured  and  unsecured,  of the
                  Company  maturing  more  than  twelve  (12)  months  after the
                  issuance  of the  shares  proposed  to be issued  plus  annual
                  dividend requirements upon all outstanding preference stock of
                  the Company and all other classes of stock ranking prior to or
                  on a parity  with the  preference  stock as to  dividends  and
                  distributions,  including  the shares  proposed  to be issued,
                  minus any interest on any such  obligations  and  dividends on
                  any such  outstanding  stock to be retired or refunded  out of
                  the proceeds of the shares proposed to be issued.  The Company
                  may,  without the consent of the holders of preference  stock,
                  increase the number of shares of any class of stock other than
                  preference  stock which the Company is authorized to issue and
                  may  create  and  establish  any  series   thereof  as  herein

                        (e) Except as  required  by law,  holders of  preference
                  stock shall have such voting  rights,  if any, with respect to
                  such  preference  stock as are fixed by the Board of Directors
                  at the time of the  issuance of the series of such  preference
                  stock; however, no holder of preference stock shall have or be
                  granted  voting  rights  with  respect to each or any share of
                  preference  stock  held by such  holder  which  exceed  or are
                  superior  to (with  respect to number of votes per share,  the
                  subject matter upon which voting is permitted or required,  or
                  otherwise)  the voting  rights a holder of common  stock shall
                  have with respect to each or any share of common stock held by
                  such  common  stock  holder.   However,   notwithstanding  the
                  foregoing  provisions  of  this  paragraph,  if  and  whenever
                  dividends on the preference stock shall be in arrears and such
                  arrears  shall  aggregate an amount at least equal to four (4)
                  quarterly dividends,  which need not be consecutive,  then and
                  in such event, the holders of the outstanding preference stock
                  of all series  shall be entitled,  at the next ensuing  annual
                  meeting of the  stockholders,  voting as a class, to elect two
                  members (herein called  "preference  stock  directors") of the
                  Board of Directors,  which preference stock directors shall be
                  in  addition  to the  directors  holding  office  pursuant  to
                  ARTICLE 4 hereof  and in  addition  to any  directors  holding
                  office or to be  elected as  preferred  stock  directors;  and
                  provided  further  that if and  whenever  any  such  four  (4)
                  quarterly  dividend  arrearage shall occur, the Company shall,
                  within  fifteen  (15) days after the receipt by the Company of
                  written request of not less than twenty-five per cent (25%) of
                  the holders of the outstanding  preference  stock, as a class,

                  and  irrespective  of  series,  cause to be  called a  special
                  meeting of the holders of outstanding  preference stock of all
                  series, to be held on the earliest  practicable date, to elect
                  the preference stock directors, as aforesaid.  For purposes of
                  any such election  such holder or holders of preference  stock
                  as are  present  in  person  or by proxy  shall  constitute  a
                  quorum,  irrespective  of  whether  any  holders  of any other
                  capital stock of the Company are present at such meeting.  Any
                  vacancy in the position of preference  stock director,  which,
                  but for this provision,  could be filled by such person as the
                  Board of  Directors  might  designate,  shall be filled by the
                  Board of Directors  from among such  persons as the  remaining
                  preference stock directors shall designate, and such successor
                  shall  hold  office  for  the  unexpired  term  of  the  prior
                  incumbent  and until his  successor  shall be duly  chosen and
                  shall  qualify.  Such right of the holders of the  outstanding
                  preference  stock  to  elect  two  members  of  the  Board  of
                  Directors  shall  continue at each annual  meeting  until such
                  time as all  arrears  of  dividends  thereon  for the  current
                  quarterly period shall have been paid or declared and provided
                  for, in which  event such right of the  holders of  preference
                  stock to elect  preference stock directors as provided in this
                  subparagraph  (e)  shall  cease  at the  next  ensuing  annual
                  meeting of stockholders, subject always to the same provisions
                  for the  vesting of such right in the case of any such  future
                  arrearages in dividends.

                        (f) Notwithstanding  any of the provisions  contained in
                  subparagraphs  (a) through (e) above,  (i) the preferred stock
                  shall rank prior to the preference  stock as to both dividends
                  and the  right to  receive  payment  out of the  assets of the
                  Company upon any voluntary liquidation, dissolution or winding
                  up  of  the  Company,   or  any  voluntary   sale  of  all  or
                  substantially  all  of  the  assets  of  the  Company,  or any
                  voluntary  distribution  of its  capital,  or any  involuntary
                  liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of the Company, or any
                  involuntary sales of all or substantially all of the assets of
                  the Company,  or any involuntary  distribution of its capital,
                  (ii) the Company  shall not pay any dividends on the shares of
                  preference stock at any time outstanding  unless and until all
                  dividends payable on the shares have been paid or declared and
                  set aside for payment, and (iii) no distribution shall be made
                  on any shares of preference stock at any time outstanding, and
                  no  payment  of any kind  shall be made  thereon to any holder
                  thereof, unless all payments required to be made on the shares
                  of preferred stock outstanding at such time and to the holders
                  thereof, whether upon redemption or pursuant to the provisions
                  of any sinking  fund  provided  therefor,  or upon a voluntary
                  liquidation,  dissolution  or winding  up of the  Company or a
                  voluntary  sale of all or  substantially  all of the assets of
                  the Company or any voluntary  distribution of its capital,  or
                  an involuntary  liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of the
                  Company or an involuntary sale of all or substantially  all of
                  the assets of the Company, or any involuntary  distribution of
                  its capital, or otherwise,  shall have been paid or shall have
                  been irrevocably set aside for payment.

         Nothing contained in subparagraph (e) above pertaining to the rights of
the holders of preference stock to elect directors shall be deemed to affect the
rights of holders of  preferred  stock to elect  directors  upon  default in the
payment of dividends on the preferred stock.

         ARTICLE 8. Any action which, at any meeting of  stockholders,  requires
the vote, assent or consent of two-thirds in interest of all of the stockholders
of the Company,  or of two-thirds in interest of each class of  stockholders  of
the Company  having  voting power,  or which  requires such assent or consent in
writing to be filed,  may be taken  upon the assent of and the assent  given and
filed, as the case may be, by two-thirds in interest of the  stockholders of the
Company  present  and voting at such  meeting  in person or by proxy,  but where
assent by  classes is  required  such  assent  shall be given by  two-thirds  in
interest of each class so present and voting.

         ARTICLE 9. Any and all action requiring  stockholder  approval may only
be taken at an annual or special  meeting of stockholders of the Company and not
by consent in lieu of such meeting.

         ARTICLE 10. To the full extent from time to time as  permitted  by law,
directors and officers of the Corporation  shall not be personally liable to the
Corporation or its  stockholders  for damages for breach of any duty owed to the
Corporation or its stockholders.  No amendment or repeal of this provision shall
adversely  affect  any right or  protection  of a  director  or  officer  of the
Corporation existing at the time of such amendment or repeal.

Dated: February 27, 1997
Iselin, New Jersey

                                          MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY

                                          /s/J. Richard Tompkins
                                          J. Richard Tompkins
                                          Chairman of the Board and President

     Attest:  __________________________
              Marion F. Reynolds
              Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer

                               OF AMENDMENT TO THE

To:               The Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey

                  Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 14A.9-2(4) and N.J.S.A.
14A:9-4 the  undersigned  Corporation  executes  the  following  Certificate  of
Amendment to its Restated Certificate of Incorporation.

                  1. The Name of the Corporation is MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY. The
principal  office of the  Corporation  is 1500 Ronson Road,  Iselin,  New Jersey

                  2. The Company adopted the following amendment:

                           The first  sentence  of Article  7A of the  Company's
Restated Certificate of Incorporation is amended to read as follows:

                           ARTICLE 7A. The total authorized capital stock of the
Company is  6,250,000  shares,  divided  into  6,000,000  shares of common stock
without nominal or par value,  150,000 shares of preferred stock without nominal
or par value and  100,000  shares of  preference  stock  without  nominal or par

                  3. Such amendment was adopted by the  shareholders  on May 28,

                  4. The number of shares  entitled to vote on the amendment was
4,219,516 shares of the Company's Common Stock, no par value.

                  5.  2,116,563  shares  were voted for the  amendment,  430,091
shares were voted  against such  amendment  and 109,167  shares  abstained  from
voting on such amendment.

                                     MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY

                                     By:   /s/Marion F. Reynolds
                                           Marion F. Reynolds
                                           Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer

Dated:  May 29, 1997

(S E A L)

                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT
                                     TO THE
                             MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY

To:  The Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey.

                  Pursuant  to  the   provisions   of  N.J.S.A.   14A:7-18   the
undersigned  Corporation executes the following  Certificate of Amendment to its
Restated Certificate of Incorporation:

                  1. The name of the Corporation is MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY. The
principal  office of the  Corporation  is 1500 Ronson Road,  Iselin,  New Jersey

                  2. 20 shares of the $7.00 Series  Cumulative  and  Convertible
Preferred Stock of the Corporation have been cancelled.

                  3. The date of  adoption  of the  resolution  of the  Board of
Directors cancelling such shares is April 23, 1998.

                  4. The aggregate number of authorized shares, including shares
outstanding,  itemized  by  classes  and  series,  after  giving  effect to such
cancellation, is a follows:

                  Class                                     Authorized Shares

Common Stock, No Par Value:                                      6,000,000

Cumulative Preferred Stock, No Par Value:
         $7    Series        2,500
         $8    Series       20,000
         $4.75 Series       10,000
Cumulative and Convertible Preferred Stock,
         $7    Series       14,881 (Note A)
All Series                 149,980 (Note B)

Preference Stock, No Par Value:                                    100,000

                  5. The Restated Certificate of Incorporation provides that the
shares  cancelled  shall  not be  reissued;  and  the  Restated  Certificate  of
Incorporation  is amended by decreasing the aggregate number of shares which the
corporation is authorized to issue by the number of shares cancelled.

Note              A: Reflects an  authorization  of 17,000 shares reduced by the
                  number of cancelled shares which are not to be reissued.

Note              B: Reflects an  authorization of 150,000 shares reduced by the
                  number of cancelled shares which are not to be reissued.

                                                   MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY

                                             By    /s/A. Bruce O'Connor
                                                   A. Bruce O'Connor
                                                   Vice President and Controller
Dated: May 5, 1998

(S E A L)

                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT

                                     TO THE


                             MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY


                  Pursuant  to the  provisions  of the  N.J.S.A.  14A9-2(4)  and
N.J.S.A. 14A9-4(3), the undersigned Corporate executes the following Certificate
of Amendment to the Restated Certificate of Incorporation:

                  1.     The name of the Corporation is MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY.

                  2. The  following  amendment  to the Restated  Certificate  of
Incorporation  was approved by the Directors of the  Corporation on February 26,
1998, and thereafter was duly adopted by the  shareholders of the Corporation on
May 27, 1998:

                  NOW,  THEREFORE,  BE IT RESOLVED  that:  the first sentence of
                  ARTICLE 7A of the Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  be
                  amended to read as follows:

                  "The  total  authorized   capital  stock  of  the  Company  is
                  10,169,418,  divided  into  10,000,000  shares of common stock
                  without nominal or par value, 69,418 shares of preferred stock
                  without  nominal  or par  value  (out  of  100,000  shares  of
                  preferred stock  originally  authorized) and 100,000 shares of
                  preference stock without nominal or par value."

                  FURTHER  RESOLVED,  that the said  amendment  of the  Restated
                  Certificate  of  Incorporation  be  submitted to a vote of the
                  stockholders of this Corporation  entitled to vote thereon, to
                  wit,  the  holders  of common  stock of record at the close of
                  business  on  April  1,  1998,   at  the  Annual   Meeting  of
                  Stockholders of this Corporation to be held on May 27, 1998.

                  3. The total  number of shares  entitled  to vote  thereon was

                  4. The number of shares  voting for,  against  and  abstaining
from such amendment is as follows:

     For                  Against                Abstain                Total

  3,297,443               188,505                 44,769              3,530,717

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Company has made this Certificate of
Amendment  under  its  seal and the  hands  of its  Chairman  of the  Board  and
President and its Secretary this 27th day of May, 1998.

                                     MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY

                                     By:  /s/J. Richard Tompkins 
                                          J. Richard Tompkins
                                          Chairman of the Board and President


- ----------------------------------
Marion F. Reynolds
Vice President and Secretary

                                                                      EXHIBIT 23

                          Independent Auditors' Consent

We consent to the  incorporation  by reference  in  Registration  Statement  No.
33-11717 of Middlesex Water Company on Form S-3 of our report dated February 16,
1999,  incorporated by reference in this Annual Report on Form 10-K of Middlesex
Water Company and it subsidiaries for the year ended December 31, 1998.

- ------------------------
Parsippany, New Jersey
March 25, 1999

UT 0000066004 MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY 12-MOS DEC-31-1998 DEC-31-1998 PER-BOOK 159,116,392 3,710,437 27,784,323 12,890,104 0 203,501,256 45,507,172 0 21,222,294 66,729,466 0 4,995,635 78,031,513 1,000,000 0 0 71,730 0 0 0 52,672,912 203,501,256 43,057,966 2,999,288 30,909,217 33,908,505 9,149,461 1,795,366 10,944,827 4,423,601 6,521,226 318,786 6,202,440 4,987,013 4,163,988 10,417,201 1.42 1.41