SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                  Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
                      the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the registrant       /x/
Filed by a party other than the registrant        / /
Check the appropriate box:

/ /  Preliminary proxy statement

/x/  Definitive proxy statement

/ /  Definitive additional materials

/ /  Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                            MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

/x/  $125 per Exchange Act Rule 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), or Rule

/ /  $500 per each party per Exchange Act Rule 14a-6(i)(3), or Rule

/ /  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4)
     and 0-11.

[logo]                                         1500 Ronson Road
                                               P.O. Box 1500
                                               Iselin, New Jersey 08830-0452

                                               Tel. (908) 634-1500
                                               Fax (908) 750-5981

                                               NASDAQ Stock Market Symbol: MSEX

                                                                April 19, 1995

Dear Stockholder:

     YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT TO US! Whether or not you plan to attend the
Stockholders' Meeting, I urge you to vote. Please specify your choice by marking
the appropriate boxes on the enclosed proxy card and sign, date and return your
proxy in the enclosed postpaid return envelope as promptly as possible. If you
date, sign and return your proxy card without indicating your choices, the
persons designated as proxies will vote your shares in accordance with the
recommendations of your Directors and management.

     You are cordially invited to attend your Company's 1995 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders which will be held at the office of the Company, 1500 Ronson Road,
Iselin, New Jersey, on Wednesday, May 24, 1995, at 11:00 a.m.

     Following the Annual Meeting you are also invited to tour our Company
headquarters facilities and to remain for luncheon.

     I hope you will be able to attend.

                                             J. RICHARD TOMPKINS
                                             J. Richard Tompkins
                                      Chairman of the Board and President

                        Quality Water Service Since 1897

[LOGO]                                        1500 Ronson Road
                                              P.O. Box 1500
                                              Iselin, New Jersey 08830-0452

                                              Tel. (908) 634-1500
                                              Fax (908) 750-5981

                                              NASDAQ Stock Market Symbol: MSEX



                                  MAY 24, 1995


To the Stockholders of

     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of MIDDLESEX
WATER COMPANY will be held at the office of the Company, 1500 Ronson Road,
Iselin, New Jersey, on Wednesday, May 24, 1995, at 11:00 a.m., for the following

     1.   To elect three members of Class II of the Board of Directors to hold
          office until the Annual Meeting of Stockholders in 1998, and in each
          case until their respective successors are elected and qualify.

     2.   To consider and act upon the approval of the appointment of Deloitte &
          Touche LLP as independent auditors for the year 1995.

     3.   To transact such other business as may properly come before the
          meeting and any adjournment thereof.

     Only holders of record of common stock at the close of business on April
17, 1995, will be entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting.

     The Company's Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 1994, has
already been mailed to stockholders.

     If you are unable to be present at the meeting but desire to have your
shares voted, please execute the enclosed proxy and return it in the
accompanying envelope, to which no postage need be affixed if mailed in the
United States.

                                        By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                          MARION F. REYNOLDS
April 19, 1995


              To assure your representation at the meeting, please
                       mail the enclosed proxy promptly.

[LOGO]                                          1500 Ronson Road
                                                P.O. Box 1500
                                                Iselin, New Jersey 08830-0452

                                                Tel. (908) 634-1500
                                                Fax (908) 750-5981

                                                NASDAQ Stock Market Symbol: MSEX


                                PROXY STATEMENT


     Notice of the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Middlesex Water Company to
be held on May 24, 1995, is attached. You are cordially invited to attend the
meeting. If you are unable to attend, you are requested to sign and complete the
enclosed proxy and return it in the accompanying envelope.


     The enclosed proxy is solicited by and on behalf of the Board of Directors
of the Company. The cost of soliciting proxies will be borne by the Company. In
addition to solicitation by mail, the Company may make arrangements with
brokerage houses and other custodians, nominees, and fiduciaries to send proxies
and proxy material to their principals and will reimburse them for their
expenses in so doing. The solicitations will be initially by mail, and it may
later be decided to make further solicitations by mail, telephone, telegraph, or
personal calls by Directors, Officers, and employees of the Company. This proxy
statement and the accompanying proxy are first being sent to stockholders on or
about April 19, 1995.

     The giving of a proxy does not preclude the right to vote in person should
the Stockholder giving the proxy so desire, and a proxy may be revoked by giving
notice to the Secretary of the Company in writing at any time prior to the
commencement of the meeting or in open meeting prior to the taking of the vote
to which such revocation relates.

                            SHARES ENTITLED TO VOTE

     As of March 10, 1995, there were outstanding 4,045,582, shares of Common
Stock which is the only class of capital stock entitled to vote at the Annual
Meeting. Each holder of Common Stock is entitled to one vote for each share
held. As stated in the Notice of Meeting, holders of record of Common Stock at
the close of business on April 17, 1995, will be entitled to vote at the meeting
or any adjournment thereof.

                              GENERAL INFORMATION

     Management of the Company is under the general direction of a Board of
Directors elected by the stockholders. The Board of Directors holds regular
monthly meetings and meets on other occasions when required in special
circumstances. The Board of Directors held twelve meetings and the Board
Committees held six meetings during the year 1994. Each incumbent Director
attended more than 92% of the total number of meetings of the Board and
Committees on which each served. Attendance at Board and Committee meetings by
Directors as a group averaged 97% in 1994.


     The Board of Directors has an Audit Committee which reviews the scope of
the audit and receives and reviews the auditors' annual report. The Committee
held two meetings during the year 1994.

     The Board of Directors has an Executive Development and Compensation
Committee which reviews and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors as
to the salaries and benefits of the Executive Officers of the Company and
administers the 1989 Restricted Stock Plan. The Committee held three meetings
during the year 1994.

     The Board of Directors appoints an ad hoc Nominating Committee from time to
time as needed. Such a Committee was not appointed in 1994. The Company does not
currently have a Nominating Committee. Qualified nominations for directors
recommended by stockholders will be considered by a Nominating Committee when
appointed. Recommendations should be sent to Middlesex Water Company, Office of
the Secretary, 1500 Ronson Road, P.O. Box 1500, Iselin, New Jersey 08830-0452.
Any nominations for director should be received by the Secretary on or before
December 21, 1995.

     The Board of Directors appoints an ad hoc Pricing Committee from time to
time as needed. In January 1994 such a Committee was appointed to approve the
terms of the sale of First Mortgage Bonds. The Committee met once in 1994. The
Company does not currently have a Pricing Committee.


                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     At the Annual Meeting of Stockholders three members of Class II of the
Board of Directors are to be elected to hold office until the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders in 1998, and in each case until their respective successors are
elected and qualify. The present terms of the three Directors included in Class
II of the Board of Directors expire at the 1995 Annual Meeting.

     The nominees listed were selected by the Board of Directors of the Company.
Proxies in the accompanying form will be voted for these nominees, unless
authority to vote for one or more of them shall have been withheld by so marking
the enclosed proxy.

     If at the time of the meeting any of the nominees listed should be unable
to serve, which is not anticipated, it is the intention of the persons
designated as proxies to vote, in their discretion, for other nominees, unless
the number of Directors constituting a full Board is reduced.

     There is shown as to each nominee, and as to each Director whose term of
office will continue after the 1995 Annual Meeting, age as of the date of the
Annual Meeting, the period of service as a Director of the Company, and business
experience during the last five years.


                            NOMINEES FOR ELECTION AS
                  DIRECTOR WITH TERM EXPIRING IN 1998--Class II

Expiration Business Experience Name, Period Served as Date of During Past Five Years Director of Company Age New Term and Other Affiliations ------------------- --- -------- ---------------------- Stephen H. Mundy ............... 61 1998 Vice President, A. Stanley Mundy, Inc., Director since 1977 Public Utility Contractor, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Member of Executive Development and Compensation Committee. Richard A. Russo ............... 49 1998 Vice President-Operations of the Company Director since December 1994 since 1989. Director and President of Tidewater Utilities, Inc., (TUI); Pinelands Water Company; Pinelands Sewer Company, Director and Executive Vice President of Utility Service Affiliates, Inc., subsidiaries of the Company, and Director and President of White Marsh Environmental Systems, Inc., a subsidiary of TUI. Carolina M. Schneider .......... 76 1998 Retired. Formerly Secretary-Treasurer of the Company. Director since 1982 Member of Executive Development and Compensation Committee (1994) Member of Audit Committee (1995)
Directors Whose Terms Continue Beyond The 1995 Annual Meeting and Are Not Subject to Reelection This Year
Expiration Date of Business Experience Name, Period Served as Term During Past Five Years Director of Company Age and Class and Other Affiliations ---------------------- --- ---------- ----------------------- Ernest C. Gere ................. 62 1997 Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Director since 1988 Class I of the Company since 1992 and prior to that date was Senior Vice President and Controller since 1986. Director of Tidewater Utilities, Inc.; Director and Vice President of Pinelands Water Company and Pinelands Sewer Company, subsidiaries of the Company. Philip H. Reardon .............. 58 1997 President and Chief Executive Officer, Essex Director since 1991 Class I County Gas Company, Amesbury, Massachusetts, since 1992 and prior to that date was President and Chief Executive Officer of New Jersey Natural Gas Company, Wall, New Jersey, since 1987. Director of Essex County Gas Company and New England Gas Association. Member of Audit and Pricing Committees.
Expiration Date of Business Experience Name, Period Served as Term During Past Five Years Director of Company Age and Class and Other Affiliations ------------------- --- ----------- ---------------------- William E. Scott ............... 75 1996 Retired. Formerly Senior Executive Vice President, Director since 1978 Class III Public Service Electric and Gas Company, Newark, New Jersey. Director of Premier Benefit Management, Inc., and Trustee of Delta Dental Plan of New Jersey, Inc. Chairman of Executive Development and Compensation Committee. Jeffries Shein ................. 54 1996 Partner, Jacobson, Goldfarb & Tanzman, Industrial Director since 1990 Class III and Commercial Brokerage Firm, Woodbridge, New Jersey. Director of First Savings Bank/SLA Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Member of Executive Development and Compensation Committee. J. Richard Tompkins ............ 56 1996 Chairman of the Board and President of the Company. Past President Director since 1981 Class III of National Association of Water Companies and Director of New Jersey Utilities Association. Director and Chairman of Tidewater Utilities, Inc., (TUI); Pinelands Water Company; Pineland Sewer Company; Director and President of Utility Service Affiliates, Inc., subsidiaries of the Company, and Director of White Marsh Environmental Systems, Inc., a subsidiary of TUI, and Director of Raritan Bay Healthcare Foundation. Joseph S. Yewaisis ............. 55 1997 Chairman of the Board and President, First Savings Bank/SLA, Director since 1989 Class I Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Director of First Savings Bank/SLA, Americas' Community Bankers, Financial Institutions Retirement Fund and Raritan Bay Healthcare Foundation. Chairman of Audit Committee and Member of Pricing Committee.
4 SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF DIRECTORS, MANAGEMENT AND CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS The following table sets forth, as of March 10, 1995, beneficial ownership of Middlesex Water Company Common Stock by the Directors, Executive Officers named in the table appearing under Executive Compensation and all Directors and Executive Officers as a group. Jeffries Shein owned 1.22% of the shares outstanding on March 10, 1995. All other individual Directors and Executive Officers owned less than 1% of the shares outstanding on March 10, 1995. Amount and Nature of Beneficial Name Ownership ---- ------------------ Walter J. Brady ....................................... 6,443 Ernest C. Gere ........................................ 7,387 John P. Molnar ........................................ 4,820 Stephen H. Mundy* ..................................... 30,141 Philip H. Reardon ..................................... 3,353 Richard A. Russo ...................................... 6,492 Carolina M. Schneider ................................. 7,529 William E. Scott ...................................... 4,820 Jeffries Shein** ...................................... 49,436 J. Richard Tompkins ................................... 14,170 Joseph S. Yewaisis .................................... 1,454 All Directors and Executive Officers as a group (13) .. 148,299*** - --------- * Disclaims beneficial ownership of 4,700 additional shares. ** Disclaims beneficial ownership of 1,467 additional shares. *** 3.67% of the shares outstanding on March 10, 1995. The following table sets forth information made known to the Company as of December 31, 1994, of any person or group to be the beneficial owner of more than five percent of the Company's Common Stock: Number of Shares Beneficially Owned and Nature of Beneficial Percent Name and Address Ownership (1) of Class - ---------------- ------------------- --------- Verona Construction Company ......... 292,800 7.26 Suite 1705 1201 Market Street Wilmington, Delaware 19801 - --------------- (1) Beneficial owner has sole power to vote and dispose of shares. 5 EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION There is shown below information concerning the annual and long-term compensation for services in all capacities to the Company for the years 1994, 1993 and 1992 of those officers whose total annual salary amounted to $100,000 or more. SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
Restricted All Name and Other Annual Stock Other Annual Principal Position Year Salary Compensation(1) Award(2) Compensation(3) - ------------------ ---- ------ --------------- --------- --------------- J. Richard Tompkins ........... 1994 $208,350 $7,491 $22,855 $7,280 Chairman of the Board 1993 190,150 6,771 18,075 6,720 and President 1992 175,787 5,464 33,375 6,141 Ernest C. Gere ................ 1994 128,323 7,073 13,060 4,480 Senior Vice President & 1993 119,350 6,042 9,038 4,235 Chief Financial Officer 1992 115,325 6,113 7,265 4,025 Richard A. Russo .............. 1994 121,504 3,236 13,060 4,249 Vice President-Operations 1993 110,350 2,676 12,653 3,850 1992 97,131 2,362 13,350 3,317 Walter J. Brady ............... 1994 107,450 2,881 9,795 3,745 Vice President-Administration 1993 101,350 2,828 9,038 3,535 1992 97,557 2,775 7,265 3,325 - -------------- (1) Includes Auto Allowance and Group Life Insurance for all officers and Directors Fees for Messrs. Tompkins, Gere and Russo. (2) The number and value of Restricted Stock held in escrow as of December 31, 1994 were as follows: Mr. Tompkins--9,000/$131,980; Mr. Gere--4,100/$59,413, Mr. Russo--4,500/$66,688; and Mr. Brady--3,900/$56,148. Generally, the restrictions lapse on these awards five years from the date of grant. The restrictions also lapse in the event of a change in control of the Company. All dividends on these shares are paid to the awardees. (3) Employer contribution to the Company's Savings and Investment Plan.
COMPENSATION OF DIRECTORS A Director who is not an officer of the Company or its subsidiaries is paid an annual retainer of $5,400 and a fee of $500 for attendance at Board of Directors (Board) meetings, a fee of $250 for attendance at special meetings of the Board, and a fee of $150 for attendance at special Board Committee meetings by means of communications facilities and a fee of $300 for each committee meeting attended. Committee chairmen receive an additional $200 for each committee meeting chaired. Directors who are officers of the Company are paid a fee of $250 for each meeting of the Board attended. 6 COMPENSATION COMMITTEE INTERLOCKS AND INSIDER PARTICIPATION During 1994, the members of the Executive Development and Compensation Committee were William E. Scott, Stephen H. Mundy, Carolina M. Schneider and Jeffries Shein. During 1994, no member of the Executive Development and Compensation Committee was an officer or employee of the Company or its subsidiary. Ms. Carolina M. Schneider is a former officer of the Company. Stephen H. Mundy has a financial interest in a construction company that was awarded a contract by the Company in the amount of $0.6 million in 1994. COMPENSATION PURSUANT TO PENSION PLANS* Annual Benefit based on Compensation and Years of Service
Average Years of Service Annual -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compensation 15 20 25 30 35 45 - ------------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- $ 80,000 .................... $20,402 $27,202 $34,003 $40,803 $47,604 $ 57,604 90,000 .................... 23,252 31,002 38,753 46,503 54,254 65,504 100,000 .................... 26,102 34,802 43,503 52,203 60,904 73,404 125,000 .................... 33,227 44,302 55,378 66,453 77,529 93,154 150,000 .................... 40,352 53,802 67,253 80,703 94,154 112,904 - ----------- * Annual Compensation Capped at $150,000.
All employees who receive pay for 1,000 hours during the year are included in the Plan. Under the noncontributory trusteed defined benefit plan current service costs are funded annually. The Company's annual contribution is determined on an actuarial basis. Benefits are measured from the member's entry date and accrue to normal retirement date or date of early retirement. Benefits are calculated, at normal retirement, at 1.25% of pay up to the Executive's benefit integration level, plus 1.9% of such excess pay, multiplied by service to normal retirement date, capped at 35 years of such excess pay, multiplied by service to normal retirement date of age 65. Average pay is the highest annual average of total pay during any 5 consecutive years within the 10 calendar-year period prior to normal retirement date. The benefit integration level is based on the 1994 Summary Compensation Table. The benefit amounts are not subject to any deduction for Social Security benefits or other offset amounts. During the year 1994, the Company made a contribution to the Pension Plan in the amount of $275,000. The range of the permissible Plan contribution was $253,000 to $287,000. Remuneration covered under the Pension Plan includes base wages only and not Directors' fees. The estimated credited years of service based on normal retirement at age 65 includes 22 years, 21 years, 20 years and 44 years for Messrs. Tompkins, Gere, Russo and Brady, respectively. Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan--All executive officers are eligible to participate in the Deferred Compensation Plan known as the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan at the direction of the Board of Directors. A participant who retires on his normal retirement date is entitled to an annual retirement benefit equal to 75% of his compensation reduced by his primary Social Security benefit and further reduced by any benefit payable from the Qualified Pension Plan. In certain cases further reductions are made for benefits from other employment. Vesting provisions start at 50% for 5 years of service and increases 10% for each year of service for a maximum of 100% vesting at 10 years of service. Annual retirement benefits are payable for 15 years either to the participant or his beneficiary. 7 Retirement benefits may be in the form of single life annuity, joint and 50% survivors annuity, joint and 100% survivors annuity, single life annuity with a 10-year certain period and single life annuity with a 15-year certain period paid on an actuarial equivalent basis. The Company is not obligated to set aside or earmark any monies or other assets specifically for the purpose of funding the Plan. The benefits are in the form of an unfunded obligation of the Company. The Company has elected to purchase Corporate-owned life insurance as a means of satisfying its obligation under this Plan. The Company reserves the right to terminate any plan of life insurance at any time; however, a participant is entitled to any benefits he would have been entitled to under the Plan provisions. For the year 1994 the Company paid life insurance premiums totaling $98,796, for Messrs. Tompkins, Gere, Russo and Brady, which provides a preretirement net death benefit of 1 1/2 times base salary at date of death. Savings and Investment Plan--The Company matches 100% of that portion of the contribution which does not exceed 1% of basic pay plus an additional 50% of that portion from 2% to 6% of basic pay. Distributions under the Plan are made upon normal retirement, total and permanent disability or death and are subject to certain vesting provisions as to Company contributions. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT AND COMPENSATION COMMITTEE The compensation program for executive officers of the Company is administered by the Executive Development and Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors. The 1994 Committee was composed of four independent directors: Carolina M. Schneider, William E. Scott, Stephen H. Mundy and Jeffries Shein. The Committee is responsible for setting and administering the policies which govern annual compensation and Restricted Stock awards. Policies and plans developed by the Committee are approved by the full Board of Directors. The Committee's compensation policies and plans applicable to the executive officers seek to enhance the profitability of the Company and shareholder value, as well as control costs and maintain reasonable rates for the customers. The Committee's practices reflect policies that compensation should (1) attract and retain well-qualified executives, (2) support short- and long-term goals and objectives of the Company, (3) reward individuals for outstanding contributions to the Company's success, (4) be meaningfully related to the value created for shareholders, and (5) relate to maintenance of good customer relations and reasonable rates. The Committee meets with Mr. Tompkins to evaluate the performance of the other executive officers and meets in the absence of Mr. Tompkins to evaluate his performance. The Committee reports on all executive evaluations to the full Board of Directors. Base salary levels are reviewed annually using compensation data produced by an outside compensation expert for similar positions and comparable companies. Base salaries for satisfactory performance are targeted at the median of the competitive market. Individual performance of the executive is determined and taken into account when setting salaries against the competitive market data. The Committee reviews, as well, the individual's efforts on cost control and his or her contributions to the results of the year. The Committee also reviews the Company's financial results compared with prior years and compared with other companies. It compares salaries with both water and general industry salaries. The factors and criteria upon which Mr. Tompkins' compensation was based generally include those discussed with respect to all the executive officers. Specifically, however, his salary is based on his overall performance and that of the Company. His salary was set at a rate which was approximately the median of the utility market and below that of the general industry. In addition, in evaluating the performance of the CEO, the Committee has taken particular note of management's success with respect to the growth of the Company. 8 The Company maintains a restricted stock plan for the purpose of attracting and retaining certain key executives of the Company who have contributed, or are likely to contribute, significantly to the long-term performance and growth of the Company. This plan is designed to enhance financial performance, customer service and corporate efficiency through a performance-based stock award. Annual stock awards are based upon several factors including the participant's ability to contribute to the overall success of the Company. The level of awards and the value of the performance are reviewed annually by the Committee. The Committee submits reports on all executive evaluations and restricted stock awards to the full Board of Directors for approval. 1995 Executive Development and Compensation Committee William E. Scott, Chairman Stephen H. Mundy Jeffries Shein 9 PERFORMANCE GRAPH Set forth below is a line graph comparing the yearly change in the cumulative total return (which includes reinvestment of dividends) on a $100 investment for the Company's Common Stock, the NASDAQ and a peer group of investor-owned water utilities for the period of five years commencing December 31, 1989. The peer group includes Aquarion Company, California Water Service Company, Connecticut Water Service, Inc., Consumers Water Company, E'town Corporation, IWC Resources Corporation, Philadelphia Suburban Corporation, SJW Corporation, Southern California Water Company, United Water Resources and the Company. --GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF DATA TABLE BELOW--
12/31/89 12/31/90 12/31/91 12/31/92 12/31/93 12/31/94 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------- MSEX ................ $100 $96 $125 $164 $217 $176 NASDAQ .............. 100 85 136 159 181 177 Peer Group .......... 100 93 121 136 155 144
10 PROPOSAL 2 APPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS Upon the recommendation of the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors has appointed Deloitte & Touche LLP of Parsippany, New Jersey, as independent auditors to make the annual audit of the books of account and supporting records of the Company for 1995, subject to the approval of the stockholders entitled to vote for the election of Directors, by a majority of the votes cast on the question of such approval, provided a quorum is present, at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders. Representatives of Deloitte & Touche LLP will be present at the meeting, and will be afforded an opportunity to make a statement if they so desire and to respond to appropriate questions. The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote FOR Proposal 2. STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS Stockholders are entitled to submit proposals on matters appropriate for stockholder action consistent with regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Should a stockholder intend to present a proposal at next year's annual meeting, it must be received by the Secretary of the Company at 1500 Ronson Road, P.O. Box 1500, Iselin, New Jersey 08830-0452, not later than December 21, 1995, in order to be included in the Company's proxy statement and form of proxy relating to that meeting. OTHER MATTERS The Management of the Company does not intend to bring any other matters before the meeting and has no reason to believe any will be presented to the meeting. If, however, other matters properly do come before the meeting, it is the intention of the persons named in the accompanying proxy to vote in accordance with their judgment in such matters. MINUTES OF LAST PREVIOUS MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS The minutes of the last previous meeting of Stockholders will be submitted at the meeting for the correction of any errors or omissions but not for the approval of the matters referred to therein. By Order of the Board of Directors, MARION F. REYNOLDS Secretary Iselin, New Jersey April 19, 1995 11 MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY 1500 Ronson Road, P.O. Box 1500 Iselin, New Jersey 08830-0452 908-634-1500 [MAP] DIRECTIONS TO MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY From Garden State Parkway (North or South): Take Exit 131A to second traffic light. Turn right onto Middlesex -- Essex Turnpike and proceed (about 1/2 mile) to first traffic light (Gill Lane). Turn right and go (about 1 mile) under railroad underpass and make right onto Ronson Road. Proceed past three large mirror-sided office buildings on the right. Make right into Middlesex Water Company at sign. From New Jersey Turnpike (North or South): Take Exit 11 onto Garden State Parkway North and follow above directions. From US Route No. 1 (North or South): Proceed to the Woodbridge Center area and follow signs to Gill Lane. When on Gill Lane, make left turn onto Ronson Road. Proceed past three large mirror-sided office buildings on the right. Make right into Middlesex Water Company at sign. APPENDIX (Pursuant to Rule 304 of Regulation S-T) 1. Page 10 contains a description in tabular form of a graph entitled "Performance Graph" which represents the comparison of the cumulative total stockholder return on the Company's Common Stock against the cumulative total return of the NASDAQ Index and the Peer Group Index for the period of five years commencing December 31, 1989 and ending December 31, 1994, which graph is contained in the paper format of this Proxy Statement being sent to Stockholders. REVOCABLE PROXY MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY [X] PLEASE MARK VOTES AS IN THIS EXAMPLE ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS MAY 24, 1995 The undersigned stockholders hereby appoints J. RICHARD TOMPKINS AND JOSEPH S. YEWAISIS, and each of them, proxies, with the power to appoint his substitute, and hereby authorizes them to represent and to vote as designated, all the shares of common stock of Middlesex Water Company held on record by the undersigned on April 17, 1995, at the annual meeting of shareholders to be held on May 24, 1995, at 11:00 a.m., local time or any adjournment thereof. 1. Election of Directors, Nominees for Class II term expiring in 1998: Stephen H. Mundy, Richard A. Russo and Carolina M. Schneider For All For Withhold Except [ ] [ ] [ ] INSTRUCTION: To withhold vote for individual nominee(s), mark "For All Except" and write the nominee(s) name(s) on the line below - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Approve the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as auditors for the Company for the year 1995. For Against Abstain [ ] [ ] [ ] 3. In their discretion, the Proxies are authorized to vote such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Please check box if you plan to attend the meeting. [ ] If this Proxy is properly executed and returned, the shares represented hereby will be voted. If not otherwise specified, this Proxy will be voted FOR the persons nominated as directors, and FOR proposal number 2. THIS PROXY IS SOLICITED ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. PLEASE DATE AND SIGN EXACTLY AS YOUR NAME OR NAMES APPEAR ON THIS PROXY. WHEN SIGNING AS AN ATTORNEY, EXECUTOR, ADMINISTRATOR, TRUSTEE OR GUARDIAN, PLEASE GIVE TITLE AS SUCH. IF SIGNER IS A CORPORATION, PLEASE SIGN FULL CORPORATE NAME BY AUTHORIZED OFFICER AND ATTACH A CORPORATE SEAL. FOR JOINT ACCOUNT, EACH JOINT OWNER SHOULD SIGN. Please be sure to sign and date this Proxy in the box below. ------------------ Date - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stockholder sign above Co-holder (if any) sign above I plan to attend the meeting. [ ] - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detach above card, sign, date and mail in postage paid envelope provided. MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY c/o REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER COMPANY 10 COMMERCE DRIVE CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY 07016 PLEASE ACT PROMPTLY BE SURE TO COMPLETE, SIGN AND RETURN THIS PROXY, WHETHER OR NOT YOU ELECT TO BE PRESENT IN PERSON. ALL SIGNATURES MUST APPEAR EXACTLY AS YOUR NAME APPEARS ON THIS PROXY. THANK YOU